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Monday, August 13, 2012


Is a gun like a virus, tobacco or alcohol?  According to “public health experts,“ who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a ”social disease,” it is.
What we need, they say, is a “public health approach” to the problem.
Dr. Garen Wintemute of University of California, Davis claims it is no longer enough to tackle gun violence by focusing solely on the people doing the shooting.  Dr. Stephen Hargarten, who treated victims of the Sikh temple shootings at the emergency department he heads in Milwaukee, feels the same way.
“What I’m struggling with is, is this the new social norm?” he asked, before asserting: “This is what we’re going to have to live with if we have more personal access to firearms.”


  1. It took a Dr to come up with what we all know?

  2. Guns aren't the problem it's society in general. The entertainment industry needs to make some changes and we need to get back to instilling morals in our kids.

  3. Inter city gun violence is people doing what the cops are afraid of doing.

  4. And yet homosexuality is a "social disease" and they are more than happy to shove that down our throats...

  5. So which is it? Address and correct the social health problems or accept them with open arms? Seems to me you can't have it both ways.

  6. Seems other gay people accept them with open arms.

  7. Wow. Can't you clearly picture the government telling you that because you own guns, you now have a "social disease" (can it be cured with penicillin?) which will, of course, require your "confinement" (no, sorry, no charges are necessary-- see NDAA) and "evaluation", during which, the government will come to your house (right again--- no warrant needed), TAKE all your weapons (yup, we also abolished private property rights a while back--- didn't you notice?), and put you on a 'watch" list. Don't laugh. People like you laughed when secret trials and prisons were mentioned as part of "law enforcement" in the USA 15 years ago, too. Who's laughing about THAT now?


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