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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Photo Going Around On Facebook

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  1. Clueless. can't help people like this or change their mind. brainwashed.

  2. And that's why I don't have Facebook.

  3. Actually, the Titanic could make a 180 degree course change in about 4 minutes, starting at about 21 knots, but that isn't the point, is it?

  4. this person would have written more reasons that he is a moron but ran out of room on the whiteboard.

  5. This is the level of ignorance that we are up against. This is a member of the "I shouldn't have to pay my own way" class. We are being over run with idiots like this. They tell the things that he promised that he kinda delivered. What about the million things that he promised to get elected and has never delivered and in most cases went in a complete opposite direction. Obama is a fraud and he fooled us all once. If he does it again we have no one to blame but ourselves

  6. You can't argue with a moron!

  7. I don't blame this person for hiding their face.

  8. liberals lie so much that they are now lying to themselves.

  9. You notice that they will not show their face....lol

  10. 12:42 PM I agree with you!

  11. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. Just ask Chick-Fil-A

  12. Bullet Points of Obama's accomplishments that they forgot:
    More people on food stamps then ever before, more people on disability than every before, more people filing for disability than jobs created, unemployment higher now than when he took office, created the most debt in history (more in 3 yrs than Bush in 8 yrs), worst economic recovery in history. And the list could go on and on of his "accomplishments".
    And for the liberals out there: Please define what/how much is fair share? How about those who pay no income taxes yet get to vote and decide how the money of those you do pay is spent?

  13. To quote the famous philosopher Ron White "You can't fix Stupid". Facts are wrong, unintended consequences are ignored, and the proven non-sustainability of the basic premises show how dumb Obama is and how Stupid the sign maker is.

  14. I am 54 years old and I can honestly say that Obama has been the worst president in my lifetime. I thought Jimmy Carter was bad, but Obama makes Carter look like Winston Churchill. Obama the biggest embarrasment our country has ever experienced.

  15. They could have saved a lot of ink by just writing "I'm Stupid" instead of all that nonsense.

  16. Now, if someone can do a morphed photo of Obama and Lenin, we'd have a picture worth a thousand words.

  17. 1:16,you said it best.

  18. Delusional, misguided, uniformed of the FACTS; I could go on, but when you are THIS stupid, obama could grow horns and admit he's the Anti-Christ and this dumb-ass would STILL think he's the second coming of Christ. Whats the fair share of the people who, for generations (!!) have lived on the dole. What is it? They think its their RIGHT and our obligation to continue to give them free housing, free medical care, free day care, free electric, free cell phones, free free free. Tell me, Forrest --- whats THEIR "FAIR SHARE"??


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