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Monday, August 06, 2012

'Perfect Storm' Of Black Violence On 'Gays'

Please be forewarned the links in the following report may contain offensive language.

Black mob violence against “gay” people is a perfect storm of three secret worlds: Newspapers do not report the predators, victims do not report the crimes and being “gay” is “about the worst thing you can be in black culture,” CNN anchor Don Lemon told the New York Times.

That is why a growing number of people – black and white, “gay” and straight – say this violence is more widespread and less reported than most people think.

So let’s start the reporting, beginning with the benign and working toward the violent.



  1. Okay, I sussered through the whole article.... well, most of it, just until the vomit was coming up towards my throat.
    My take on this? Black people (and this may sound racist) are responsible for more than half of the violent crime and are the largest population in the prison system. Whether their targets are gays, homeless, alcoholics, elderly, storeowners, really doesn't matter to them. They are equal opportunity criminals. Today is just the GAY's turn to play Biggest Victim. Ho Hum. Chick Fil A, whatever.
    Face facts, the biggest beneficiaries of government handouts id the biggest population of the "You owe me more" attitude, and they don't have anything to lose by "taking it".

    If they earned what they owned, they woild
    1) Respect what you earned and owned
    2) Value what they earned and owned.

  2. Which makes the fact that 97% of blacks voted for Obama even more ridiculous. Obama and Rahm are lifetime members of the down low club" in Chicago-well known by gays there.


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