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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paul Ryan: An Inspired Choice That Says “We Can Fix This”

In selecting U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney said the one thing Americans most desperately want to hear and believe: we can fix this. For the last several years, Americans have looked around and seen only a mess, with stubbornly high unemployment, anemic growth, rising debt, out-of-control spending and a stalemate in Washington. The steady downpour of bad news, combined with the disillusionment that Obama has failed to deliver on his promise of hope and change, have shaken our confidence and eroded our typical can-do American optimism.

That’s why the Ryan pick struck the political landscape like the lightning bolt of a sudden summer storm across an otherwise lazy August weekend. The choice has galvanized a Republican Party that was beginning to despair. Even more importantly, it said to all Americans that Mitt Romney is determined to fix our nation’s problems.


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