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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Moments after his motorcycle struck a 4-year-old girl, an off-duty Chicago Police officer shot and killed the girl’s irate father after he allegedly attacked the officer, the Chicago Sun Times reports  .
Fraternal Order of Police Spokesman Pat Camden identified the officer as a 43-year-old veteran of the Chicago Police. The officer was headed home on Saturday evening when the horrifying incident occurred.
As he was driving home, the officer says he saw a child unexpectedly run into the street. In order not to strike the girl directly, the cop jumped off his motorcycle, pulling it down on its side on the pavement. However, the motorcycle skidded and flipped, hitting the 4-year-old girl and her 18-year-old cousin, John Passley.


  1. WOW typical biased headline. Should say "Father attempts to murder police officer after his daughter is at fault in a motor vehicle collision."

  2. All I know is, if you have a broken arm or leg and a back or shoulder as they said, you would not be moving PERIOD!!! especially to offer AID to a young girl...

    Cover up for sure...

  3. Headline should read SPEEDING COP
    MURDERS 4 year old child with motorcycle and shoots outraged father to death.

  4. Headline should read "Another Worthless Baby Daddy Dead."

    Who in their right mind with a child seriously injured or dead would not be attempting to aid the child? A no good SOB sperm doner who I bet had a criminal record a mile long, and multiple children by multiple females.

  5. 10:09 am,
    Your a pig. If it were your child, you would have reacted the same way. Because the man was a black, your racial tone is downright baseless.

  6. omg this story is horrible! is the bike OK?

  7. @ 10:14

    A violent, unmarried man with 3 kids before 26? Sounds like a dead beat dad to me.

    Also, I if had acted the same way I would have deserved what I had coming to me. Violence begets violence.

    P.S. It's you're a pig, not your.

  8. 10:14, I would not have reacted the same way if someone accidently injured or even killed my child. I was brought up better.
    As a matter of fact 99% of the population does not act in this uncivilized way, do they? When was the last time you heard of some like this? Never I bet.
    As a matter of fact a dear friend of mine's 4 year old was run over and killed in an accident several years ago in PA. did my friend react like this moron? No! Civilized people do not act like this-PERIOD-whether they are black or white. Animals including pigs act with less primitivness as this man showed.


  9. What did the guy expect? He just killed the mans little girl. He had more then an a$$ whipping comming.

  10. Just for a change, could we try to keep it civil here? I agree with you, 10:14, but there's no reason to call names.

  11. I can't believe the father could break away from his child and caring for her long enough to assault someone even the person who had "accidentally" taken her life. I certainly do not think this officer left home that day on a mission to take someones life. Just a sad situation no matter how you see it.


  12. What is the appropriate amount of time before taking it to the next level?

  13. Headline should read Horrible Accident Where Father Got Carried Away and Officer Defended Himself.


  14. That's strange, Zimmerman shot that guy who was beating him up. He gets to go to jail.

    This guy (cop) shoots unarmed father of the daughter he just killed for beating him up. Now he's the innocent one? BS.

  15. If you read the article, it states that the child was held overnight for observation and had abrasions and contsions. She was NOT killed!

  16. 10:14 There is no way in hell I would have left my hurt child's side. I would never risk upsetting my child more than they already were by yelling the F word and getting into a fight.
    That does not go on in MY world and NEVER will. My children do not know yelling and screaming and fighting and NEVER will by their parents.


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