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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Obamas Attend Sunday Service At Historic Church

President Barack Obama has attended a worship service at a historic church steps away from the White House.

Accompanied by his wife, Michelle, and daughters Sasha and Malia on the mild, overcast morning, Obama walked through Lafayette Square to St. John's Episcopal Church.



  1. Did he burst into flames?

  2. What, no hate mongering pulpit was available?

  3. Satan at his best , a wolf in sheeps clothing!!

  4. Wow. Plenty of hate mongering on this site. All the guy did was go to church.

  5. I guess he's figured out that the election is right around the corner...Time to come to Jesus!!!

  6. Did he burst into flames?

    August 19, 2012 2:05 PM


    Wow. Plenty of hate mongering on this site. All the guy did was go to church.

    August 19, 2012 2:43 PM

    Newsflash: You do not have to be here.

  7. Weeks after he and his family honored the Muslim tradition of Ramadan by not wearing jewelry and hosting a special dinner for the Muslim brotherhood.
    The WH press corp aksed where his wedding band was and Carney replied our for repair. There was no mention of the missing watch.

    What a fraud.

  8. Campaign photo op. Why would the media be invited to a church stroll, if it was a normal activity?

  9. Why is this a news event? Is it his first Sunday morning service this year?

  10. I agree 3:19, he knows it's election time, and he knows the christian community sees right through him, so to garner votes, better go to church. How sickening, and how phoney.
    If he were sincere, it would be wonderful that the family seeks God; however he has had plenty of time to attend church and has not-except the church of J.Wright.

  11. Sorry but the photo shows a rather homely bunch lacking enthusiasm for the teachings of Christ!

  12. Trying to play religious Christ killer close to election! Of course chooses the one denomination that will comfort his sexually deviant friends!

  13. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig...


  14. What happened to Rev Wright? He was Obamas preacher fo twenty years?

  15. What happened to Rev Wright? He was Obamas preacher fo twenty years?

    August 19, 2012 5:05 PM

    He embarrassed Obammy and let people know what his background was really like.

  16. we do have to be here, 3:31. It's every true American citizen's responsibility to keep an eye and an ear on seditionists like yourself.

  17. "Sorry but the photo shows a rather homely bunch lacking enthusiasm for the teachings of Christ!"

    And I bet you would claim you are a christian...

    What happened to Rev Wright? He was Obamas preacher fo twenty years?

    You mean the guy who actually serve his country with honor. I think he is still preaching. And you?

  18. we do have to be here, 3:31. It's every true American citizen's responsibility to keep an eye and an ear on seditionists like yourself.

    August 19, 2012 6:32 PM

    lmao. IF you really know the definition of that word, I am proud to be called such.

    As it is every CITIZENS DUTY to be one when the government becomes corrupt.

    And I would bet money you are a part of it.

    Watch all you like. At least you will be leaving someone else alone.

  19. You mean the guy who actually serve his country with honor

    He certainly isn't now.

  20. Look at these good Christian comments on this sute. You guys are just so full of brotherly love. Thats exactly what jesus would do.

  21. Oh Lord, Alex has crawled out from under his rock.


  22. When Jesus Comes back this time you'll think It's Salvister Stallon in rabbo. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

  23. I hope most of you don't consider yourselves Christians on here. If you do I'm God just loves your comments. What happened to not judging so God won't judge you. You people would make me ashamed to be a Christian except I would never be ashamed of Christ. You all are so filled with hatred. That's what wrong today. What happened to love thy neighbor as thyself. If everyone would start following what their Bible says this world would surely be a better place.

  24. If everyone would start following what their Bible says this world would surely be a better place.

    August 19, 2012 9:05 PM

    I would suggest that you start studying the Bible.

    We are NOT told to not judge. We are told to be careful HOW we judge and even told WHO and WHERE to judge.

    Don't feel bad, a lot of people have fallen for that trick of allowing anybody to do anything, which is not the case.

    Go to a biblical website and do a search if you want proof, which you should. The Bible says to prove everything.

  25. A Christian and his Christian family worships at a Christian church.

    No, it's not news . . . except that hateful bigots make it so.

  26. christians are being slaughtered in the muslim world, we have a usurper in the white house who follows the muslim religion and you want us christians to turn a blind eye to this imposter, and the trouble he has formented against us! You are a fool, time for a good old crusade! Maybe we ought to just bomb them off the planet, a few strategically placed nukes and this bs will stop once and for all! And if you don't like what I'm saying then just move your ass over there and live with the rest of the animals!

  27. I believe this is only the 2nd or 3rd time the Obama family has attended church services since getting to the White House. The only question we should be asking here is: Are they truly going to church to worship the Lord or is this just a show for the upcoming election????

  28. How do you know this Anon 7:54?
    People making assumptions is part of the problem.
    Just because the media didn't focus on the other times, doesn't mean they didn't go.
    How many times did the media show other Presidents going to church?
    Get real!

  29. How many times did the media show other Presidents going to church?
    Get real!

    August 20, 2012 11:01 AM

    I don't recall any other president with a muslim background in this country.

    Do you?

    Nor one that exposed military secrets, shown disrespect to our flag and our citizens and veterans. Not to mention the law of the land.

    He has already stated long ago when the chit hits the fan he is standing with the enemy, Islam and Muslims.

    YOU are the one making assumptions. Assuming he is one of us and will protect the constitution, the citizens of THIS country.

    Maybe you just don't know any better, I don't know. But associating yourself with this man can be hazardous to your health.


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