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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Obama's 2nd-Term Plans For Your Paycheck Exposed

An explosive book released today documents how progressive organizations behind White House policy have crafted specific, second-term plans for the federal government to determine the “value” of individual jobs in the private sector instead of allowing employers to pay what they want.

Other second term “economic fairness” plans include concentrating more power with the federal government to rectify “bias” and “discrimination” in the workforce regarding salaries for “equivalent” – but not necessarily equal – jobs in the private sector.

This is in addition to the enactment of a “living wage” that would force all employers to increase the salaries of the nation’s workers to meet “basic needs” such as housing, food, utilities, transportation, health care and recreation.



  1. All bow to King Obama.

  2. This is Communism.

    Game over.

  3. We lost the game only because we refused to play. We simply aren't interested in political activism. Not our cup of tea.

    The result is that the richest people in the world have played and colluded and refused to compete. They own both political parties outright. They are about to go too far with their passive aggressive plans to destroy our society. They hate families and private property.

    Meet the enemy. Same as the old enemy. The Bolshevick Communists.

  4. And yet there are many millions of people who will vote this "communist" back in. I will be darned if I will be forced to increase salaries to meet employees basic needs when I can't hardly pay myself. It's easier to just shut down my business or get rid of every employee and do the job myself.


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