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Monday, August 20, 2012


As a Sharptown Republican, my mother worked at the polls during elections for the Wicomico Republican Party. In most elections, she voted straight party on the ballot.

Her Republican Party had Rogers C.B. Morton, Wayne Gilchrest, Emerson Holloway, Margaret Yow, Louis Riley and others. These were Republicans who espoused doctrinaire solutions during elections, but once elected were able to govern as compromisers for the betterment of all citizens.

As a onetime Republican who angered my teacher's union by supporting Gilchrest, it wasn't hard for me to support good people in both parties.

Today, I don't have that option. Today's local Republican Party is led by the drumbeats of tea partiers like Dennis Evans, Dave Parker and the anti-middle class, anti-woman, anti-farm families Representative Andy Harris. They have derailed the democratic way pursued by those former Republican leaders, who would be drummed out of today's party.

A neighbor of mine is a retired county agent living on a state pension and drawing Social Security and Medicare. Ironically, he and others like him continue to put signs up every election advocating we vote for his Republican nominees. If they win, the benefits of governmental service like his will disappear -- along with a reduction in the Social Security and Medicare safety net for Americans younger than he.

That is not fair for America. I would hope these fooled, hypocritical Republicans would tell us how they propose to help anyone in America but the richest 1 percent. All we hear is talking points meant to pander to our prejudices.

No thanks. I yearn for my mother's Republican Party of old.

Geoff Smoot


  1. Smoot knows better: the US is not a democracy. The word does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. We are and always have been a Republic. The founding fathers hated "democracy" and now you can see why. Democracy equals anarchy.

  2. I'm with Geoff. I was raised a Reagan Republican... Reagan got stuff done, while keeping to his principles. The fact that Reagan had to raise taxes to pay for an expansion of our military, decimated in the years after Vietnam was worth it, for example.

    Now, Republicans seem to believe this mythology that lower taxes creates more tax revenue (through growth) and that we can launch two overseas wars and not have to suffer with higher taxes. The math just doesn't add up!

    I feel like I have no one left to vote for...

  3. What the H&&& do you think Obama is going to do if reelected? He has already taken 759 billion out of Medicare. The choice is clear and the democrats are not the right choice. If cuts are not made every where, than the whole country is going to go bankrupt.

  4. Smoot you are an idiot. You and others that think like you make me sick!

  5. Yup. A misguided idiot.
    Doesn't realize you cannot compromise with socialists.

  6. "Doesn't realize you cannot compromise with socialists.

    August 20, 2012 11:22 AM"

    and that is why since the republicans have regained control of the house no budget has been passed.

  7. no budget was passed when the dumbocrats controlled the house either!! no budget has been passed for at least the last three, maybe even four years. all in Congress are responsible; they should not be paid anything at all until the budget is passed. bet that would get the job done!!!!

  8. The republican have passed a budget. The senate has not. Obama's budget lost 95-0 in a democratically controlled senate.

    You people haven't seen anything yet...if Nobama gets re-elected, our country as we know it will be gone forever. He will move on with his liberal socialist agenda using executive orders. Much like Iran?

  9. mr. smoot has always shown himself to be challenged in understanding history. facts are many times not on his side. unfortunately if you don't know the Facts of History; not the re-written history, you will be doomed to repeat the errors of the past and all may have to suffer for it.

    thank you 10:40, we are a republic and a representative form of governance.

    we should seek for the truth, for Only the Truth can set us Free.

    Truth - what a concept...

  10. 11:14

    But Im going to guess that your way of thinking is much better right? Voting for a one Mitt Romney(by the way, I bet you couldnt tell me 5 things that this clown/liar wants to accomplish) that has lied his way to the position he is in now.

    Obamacare is based off of the same healthcare system that Romney created in Mass. yet he opposes it? Why? Because hes not the one who is proposing it? And you idiots only oppose it because the news says that its evil and bad. You conservatives are clueless and have no idea how to think for yourselves.

    Romney wants to take away so many womens rights, its like he wants them to go back to being just house wives who opinions do not matter, who cant vote, who should have no say in anything. He wants to take away the rights to their own bodies. Birth control, abortion, etc.

  11. HI Joe...based on the comment @12:27...you have far left zealots reading your blog. Seems to have been brainwashed and watching too many liberal talking heads on TV.

    Must be on the left loons mailing list.

  12. @ 12:27...The reason Romney does not like Obamacare is because maybe he has seen what Romneycare has done to a small state like Mass. He also somewhat still believes in the Constitution that the 10 amendment protects the rights of states againsts a the federal government. Obamacare is another case of DC thinking that one size fits all. More centeral planning. We already have dozens of redundant agencies at the state level and federal level. If a state wants to pay for insurance for all of its citizens then they can but it is not and should not be a federal government program. Obamacare is bad law. It creates something like 27 new beaucracies which are never wasteful and are very efficient. There is a Death panel. 15 unelected officials that will decide what medical care you recieve. It is 2700 pages of legistlation that controls 20% of our ecomony that was read by no one before passage. The feds do such a great job running social security,medicare,medicaid,the post office,Immigration,Amtrak, and hundreds of other agencies, lets just put them in charge of our health. Please get your head out of your rear and ask yourself the tough question about how our governmetn is being run. No one wants to take away womens rights. The entire discussion about birth control is a false choice. People like you think because I don't want to pay for someone else's birth control that I am for denying access. Two different things. You can have all of the birth control or abortions you want, you just pay for it. simple huh?

  13. 12:27

    You are clueless and have no idea how to think for yourself.
    You just copied the Obama regime handout to the "truth team"...

    All lies!
    Anti- Romney propaganda.
    Fortunately people have awakened to your Obama regime deceit.

  14. Hey I read an atricle the other day that said that 21,000 retired federal employees receive retirement pension in excess of $100,000/ year. I am a small business owner. I don't/won't get a pension. My retirment is what I save and maybe a little social security after the baby boomers get done. We have all seen government employees. I want someone to show me "one" government job that warrants that level of retirement compensation. Just 1...I really don't care how many years of service if you want to call it that. Most times government is a disservice because their function is to limit progress or tax the crap out of everything. The state of California has meter maids making $93,000 per year. Some one should ask Mr. Smoot if he thinks the work he did at Bennett High School was more important than someone writing tickets for illegally parked cars. These liberal ideas have failed everytime they have been tried. On the other time, when hard working americans get to keep more of what they earn, they make far better choices with their money.

  15. 11:53 Excuse me the Senate is the last stop for the budget. Think again


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