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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama Camp - We Are Intentionally Limiting Crowd Size At Rallies

The presumptive GOP presidential and vice presidential nominees Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan are attracting thousands of supporters to their campaign rallies since Mr. Romney named Mr. Ryan to the bottom of the ticket. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has taken notice of the massive crowds at the Romney Ryan stump speeches and sent out an urgent e-mail to their supporters, reported The Washington Examiner last week.

However, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are not drawing the crowds they once could. The New York Times reported that the Obama campaign said that it is intentionally limiting crowd size at their events because of security and cost:



  1. "intentionally limiting crowd size"


    Unbelievable the way the BS flows from their mouths.

  2. Whats more unbelievable is Democrat socialists believe this B.S.

  3. and of course the MSM believes this nonsense...

  4. If he were told to do, both he and his croonies would be up in arms. He has more hot air than a balloon.

  5. obama, who has no problem sending his wife, kids and extended family members to Rio, Paris, Japan, etc, is worried about "security & costs"?? REALLY? NO politician "limits" crowd size...it goes against everything they know. The PEOPLE themselves are limiting "crowd size". Wait til the election. THAT'S the only crowd size they need to worry about...

  6. ahahahahaha...come on now. Nobody with any sense believes that. So wait, in 2008, security and cost didn't matter? Oh ok, I got ya Barack.

  7. liar, liar, pants on fire...

  8. I believe this to be true.Their intentional failed agenda is certainly limiting the crowd size at their events.

  9. When the truth can't possibly help your cause...Lie like a rug!

  10. r take wife and kids and mother-in-law on another trip

  11. LMAO. Goebbels did not have anything on Barrack did he? lol

  12. Maybe he should start holding his rallies G8 style!!!..you far off from the main event in a cgae fenced off area...


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