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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nothing But The Truth


  1. National debt, food stamps, unemployment rate, home foreclosures, and on and on.....and he STILL has defenders? the president has YET to say he's responsible for anything (except a Health Care act that most Americans don't want and for personally pulling the trigger on Osama)... Bozo the Clown could have done a better job....

  2. I remember when Clinton had the 5 years on welfare then off the system...you gotta work...all that did was shift monies for temporary cash assistance to food stamps, and medical assistance. Then the push came on to train welfare recipients to work..we all see how well that worked out! O'bama's design is to make this country totally a welfare country and destroy it from within. The guy has no clue what he's doing except giving speeches, and surrounding himself with a bunch of people who don't know what they are doing. It makes me long for a time when a president was the "real deal", and a president who was a leader. It also makes me long for a class act in not only the president, but the first lady as well. At this time, we have neither. Isn't it tragic?


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