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Thursday, August 02, 2012

No, Seriously: Keystone Pipeline Could be Delayed for One Year Because of an Endangered Beetle

Hey, remember how much of a headache it was to get the Keystone Pipeline project going? Do you remember all the political fights and power plays?

Do you remember how President Obama took credit for “approving” the construction of the pipeline after TransCanada, the company behind the 1,700-mile project, decided to start construction in the U.S., thereby making it non-international and thereby taking away the president’s veto power?

Seems like it was all a real pain in the neck, right? Well, considering how bad the economy is, at least we can finally get started on that massive job creator — oh, wait. No.



  1. Why do you think Bigfoot has'nt been acknowledged? Because it would fall under the Endangered Species Act of course.Timber,mining,etc would cease and tens of thousands of people would lose their jobs.Insect and bird species can be isolated to a certain geographical region.BF has been spotted all over the US,even in Md.

  2. Its mind-boggling how some of you people dont understand how the eco-system works.

  3. LOL. 7:36 PM It's not that hard to see how Your mind works, sorry, doesn't work.

  4. @ 8:27
    It's shortsightedness like yours that that will deny future generations a place to live.

  5. The ignorance here is appalling. It seems the common opinion of this article is that the pipeline is more important than the environment it is to be constructed in. Sure we need the oil, because we(or at least the majority) have come to depend on it. Whether or not it is crucial to our existence is an argument in itself. The beetle, figuratively speaking, is crucial to our existence. It is very likely that the same folks in support of relocating the beetle are some of the same folks who made it impossible to get near a Chic-FilA yesterday. An open mind would go a long way in the world we live in today, try it out friends.

  6. So your view that it is better to fight wars overseas for oil than to produce it here because that is whats happening.

  7. 7:36, the "eco-system" church you believe in is your choice. that's your religion and beliefs; not mine.

    God said for man to "subdue" the earth. He said He is giving us the earth and All the fullness thereof.

    hmmm the beetle...shades of the spotted owl and so many others. get over it. the eco-system will NOT breakdown. why? because God knew ALL His creation would be inhabiting the earth and told man how to handle it. it's not as fragil as you claim and God is NOT ignorant. eco-freaks are. bye, bye beetle, hello common sense...

  8. I didn't get into name-calling with my earlier post, but you certainly have, what would your 'god' say about that.

    It is not my opinion that wars fought over seas for oil are the answer either, however I do feel a 'war' fought on our own soil for the common right of the human race is worthwhile. That right being peaceful enjoyment of the planet we live on.

    Remember, rather think about, what I said, oil is something we have come to depend on based on how we have chosen to live our lives. Is it right by your 'god' to disassemble the environment to make it work better for us? If your 'god' created every living thing then why do the living things around us get second best to us?

  9. maybe we can burn the beetles in our gas tanks.

  10. which is worse? endangered beetles or endangered people?

  11. Endangered people, now your getting the point, or maybe not.

    The pipeline is not a permanent solution to our longevity as a civilization. But who cares what the planet is like after we die, that's someone else's issue right. Can't wait to explain that one to my kids and theirs!

    Not against the pipeline, and not an 'Eco-freak' but would it hurt to be realistic for a second and step outside the box?


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