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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'

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  1. Bring it___________!

  2. They are just a bunch of wanna be's with a lot of mouth. They blame everything on whites and never take responsibility for their own.

  3. Obama thugs. Disgusting

  4. Come on and give it your best shot - we are ready for you!!

  5. Just like the black juveniles when I was growing up in SE DC in the 60's, these people won't do anything against even odds. Old people, little kids, women traveling alone, any white people who are seriously outnumbered...they have always been the victims of these proud warriors. Witness the flash mob phenomena sweeping the country. Same thing, but smaller mobs in the old days. With Obama and Holder refusing to address black-on-white crime, the panthers have the green light to run their mouths, encouraging such violence.

    It surprises me that SBY has not seen more of that mob stuff. I guess it's pretty much confined to the schools. Has anybody been in downtown OC late night/early morning in recent years? If OC didn't have such a strong police presence there, it would be Planet of the Apes all over again.

    Yeah, Jim, more Section 8 housing for SBY.


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