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Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Black Panther: We Must Create Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People

National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz who was caught on video tape allegedly intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 08 is now in charge of the New Black Panthers plan to create inner city militaries that would go into nurseries and kill white babies and murder white people n the street

GO HERE to view video.


  1. Oh I guess civil rights are only for black people. That must be why the justice dept is doing nothing about these racist.

  2. Come get me...........I have a little something for you.

  3. Where's o'bama's stand on them or is he leading them...nothing he does would suprise me

  4. He is raging on about blacks being shot down and killed but leaves out the part that most are killed by other blacks. I know there is still racism in this country but black people just like whites can make it as far as they want to. I hate people that want to blame everybody else for their own shortcomings and problems.

  5. Where is the out cry from Obama on this one?

  6. At least now that Obama was elected the civil rights issues are dead...No more special treatment.

  7. r u kidding special treatment it's called welfare

  8. 2:20 My clip holds 12.....


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