Mace and pepper spray may be accepted tools for adult crowd policing, but police who use them on students are going too far. That's the message of NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous, who, in response to reports that more than 200 of Birmingham, Ala.'s African-American high school students have been on the receiving end of these law-enforcement strategies, said in a statement today, "As long as we continue to treat students like criminals, they should grow up to become criminals."
Specifically, the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization wants Birmingham Mayor William Bell to ban the use of mace and order the police to develop fairer policing policies for schoolchildren. From the NAACP statement:
Somebody needs to mace Todd Jealous,he needs to shut the hell up.
ReplyDeleteHe's just jealous.
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter Joe Biden wants to put ya-all back in chains anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnd what would you like to do?
Deletethe ole race card , if they break the law then mace em pepper spray em or what ever. The color of the skin make NO difference.
ReplyDeleteWell, when they act like criminals and break the law like criminals, they get treated like criminals.
ReplyDeleteHey NAACP I have a novel idea!! Tell your gangs and flash mobs to quit being criminals and thugs. Notice the liberal media calls them flash mobs instead of gangs or terrorist.
ReplyDeleteFor once in my adult life I am proud to say that I agree with the NAACP. Yes quit macing students. Start shooting them!!
ReplyDeleteI know where that illiterate Mary Ashanti gets her marching orders from. Right out of their play book.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people can't take the blame for their actions anymore? They run and hide behind an organization who fuels hate based on race, and cry that they are getting punished for doing wrong. Here is an idea....STOP DOING WRONG. We have been given this great thing called a brain and should be able to decipher between right and wrong, it isn't that hard really...
ReplyDeleteSU anyone?