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Friday, August 17, 2012

More Americans Hunting and Fishing, Survey Shows

More Americans are hunting and fishing, reversing decades of declining numbers, according to a national outdoor recreation survey conducted every five years by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Overall hunting participation between 2006 and 2011 increased 9 percent, the survey found, while the number of anglers grew by 11 percent in that same five-year period.
The report does not explain the reasons for the increase in wildlife recreation, which it describes as an "important leisure activity" rather than an economic necessity.

1 comment:

  1. After the initial upfront costs(rods/reels/guns/etc), it's a very affordable hobby. Where else can you spend a day having a great time for a pittance? I do both, and I also get to stock my freezer with high quality meat and seafood for pennies on the dollar. I think one of the major factors in the decline in outdoor sports, is the "indoor" lifestyle the majority of Americans now lead. Kids would rather jump on their computers or PS3's and play a video game, and parents encourage such things.


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