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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Military To Test Hypersonic Jet That Could Zip Across The U.S. In Less Than 1 Hour

A superfast jet that could fly from L.A. to New York City in less than an hour may be one step closer to reality after a key test this week.
The  X-51A WaveRider, an unmanned aircraft that could reach speeds up to Mach 6 will be launched from the wing of a B-52 bomber high above the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports  .
The WaveRider is expected to zip up into the atmosphere and fly at hypersonic speeds—3,600 mph—for 300 seconds, before breaking up into the ocean.


  1. What a total waste of everyone's money. Only executives and corporate clones will ride in these, claim the $20,000 ticket as business expense and tack the cost onto everything we buy and are taxed for buying. The military will order a few dozen for weapons platforms and the prez will have two of his very own. And again, who pays?

  2. This is how they spend our money. It is outrageous

  3. You were probably the same clowns claiming that US investment into internet technology was a waste some decades ago.

  4. 7:40,
    I thought Al Gore invented the internet.


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