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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Michelle Obama Just Can't Leave Me Alone

From: Michelle Obama
To: Joe Albero
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 12:56 pm

Joe --

Before you go to bed tonight, do me a favor and read Barack's note.

We've always known this election was going to be even tougher than the last one. All across the country, supporters like you have stepped up to give your time and energy to help move this country forward. We can't let that hard work be undone by our opponents' unlimited spending on negative TV ads.

If we win, it will because of what you do today, and for the next 77 days. Please donate $3 or more now:

Thanks for everything you do for Barack and this campaign.


Dear Michelle,

Before YOU go to bed tonight, put $3.00 under your pillow and I can guarantee you when you wake up Barack will have stolen your money, just like the rest of us Americans.

Welcome to OUR new America.

Joe Albero


  1. "We can't let that hard work be undone by our opponents' unlimited spending on negative TV ads."

    Sure you can, Michelle. Give it a try.

  2. "We've always known this election was going to be even tougher than the last one."

    Didn't take a rocket scientist (or even a social scientist)to figure that one out.

  3. Dear Michelle
    I will donate $3.00 if Barack will release all his sealed files

    Real concerned patron

  4. What are you people going to do when Obama wins by a landslide?

  5. He'll just use the smaller contributions for his White House beer brewing. At the convention they'll be breaking out the new flavors and suggestions about what breed of dog to serve them with. Rumored are:

    Poodle Porter
    Beagle Brau
    Lhasa Lager
    Portuguese Water Pale Ale
    Schnauzer Stout
    Pekingese Porter (in honor of our debts)
    Airedale Ale AiredAle)
    Pyrenees Pilsner
    Mutt Mead

  6. Use the $3.00 to learn class and diginity.

  7. After Joe becomes mayor and cleans up & straightens out Salisbury, perhaps he would consider a run for president. Laugh all you want, but Albero seems to be much more of a straight talker than of the clown now in the White House or the clown running against him.

  8. That is a horrible idea. Just what we need is a president that tries to intimidate other countries with his blog.

  9. Joe, I will send in money for the both of us. Obama 2012...Vote for middle class!

  10. Alex said...
    What are you people going to do when Obama wins by a landslide?

    August 21, 2012 2:03 PM

    Wake up from that nightmare.

  11. Joe, I will send in money for the both of us. Obama 2012...Vote for middle class!

    August 21, 2012 9:56 PM

    You sir, are an idiot.


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