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Friday, August 31, 2012

Media Strikes Back After Dirty Harry Dares To Mock Obama

Newsflash: Obama can't take a joke. But we already knew that.

For four long years we've waited, hoped and prayed that some young comic would break free of the politically correct demands of The State and mock Obama the way all presidents and all people in power should be mocked. But for four long years (with a few exceptions) all we've seen instead are cowardly toadies of The State: Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Chris Rock, the cast of "Saturday Night Live"…
Since Obama won the presidency, comedy has pretty much gone straight to hell as our Entertainment Overlords morphed into pathetic lapdogs to The State; begging for scraps of attention and affection from Obama, and in the process becoming stale, lazy, dull, predictable, painfully unfunny, and like a needy poodle -- more than a little annoying.
Who would've ever thought that one of the men who would display enough backbone and "edge" to finally take it to Obama with wicked mockery on about 30 million live television screens would be 82 year-old Clint Eastwood?


  1. It wasn't a joke. Jokes are funny. It was just rambling of senile old fool.
    But at least his speech was more exciting than that of the Least Interestin Man in the World aka Romney.

    1. It was very funny. And interesting. Maybe folks from Russian motherland have different sense of humor, no doubt. It would be more funny if Putin was there, thats for sure, LOL

  2. Media is pissed cause they are losing the power they had over Americans...

    I hope everyone stops watching the big 3 adn ALL their shows, they should go bankrupt.

  3. If you equate a rambling diatribe to an empty chair mocking, then i guess you are correct.

  4. I find the obama camp two-faced among other things. They love to dish out insults and accusations at the republicans, yet when in GOOD TASTE a humerous routine is performed by one of America's well known actors they act again like spoiled children..bullies really. They can dish it out, they just take the truth. obama isn't man enough to take or hear THE TRUTH!

  5. Watched it and loved it and it was all about the truth which Obamanites do not like. More of the truth should happen daily - we want our county back Obama - we love the USA, unlike you. We love our freedom, which you hate. People of America I hope you are listening and watching and oh by the way if all of you out there have not gone to see the movie 2016, now is the time to go see it.

  6. Eastwood has been a popular name in our household for years. We have watched his movies and enjoyed them a lot. Eastwood speaks truth and that is something the democrats don't know anything about. My HOPE is that people will wake up and look for CHANGE in America that will put our great nation back on top.

  7. 7:41/Alex You are a bigot. Ageism is the same as racism!

  8. I thought Clint Eastwood was great and told it like it is.....The Liberals cannot stand the truth and are definately bullies. I dated a liberal for longer than I should have and what a bully he was so I KNOW what they are like....childish, spoiled, condescending, etc etc etc. I especially liked Marco Rubio's speech - "he is a bad president" (regarding Obama) Amen! Amen!

  9. But it wasn't funny. At least make it funny. The chair was more amusing.

  10. The chair, was one of the funny things about it. Empty chair, empty-headed president.

  11. It was not only true but funny and the only reason the dems are mocking is because the truth hurts. Obama has been a massive failure. There is no debating that fact. For 2 years Obama and the democrats had control of both houses and passed their agenda which amounted in nothing more than hugh debt, higher unemployment, more jobs leaving, companies closing and downsizing and the list goes on.
    Obama has been a failure in epidemic proportions. Now his only recourse is to attempt to divide the country being the classless, ill bred, nothing that he really is.

  12. Rambling old guy is not going to help pick up the minority votes Republicans need.
    However, he is an outspoken advocate for gay marriage so maybe it will help with gay voters.

  13. Anon 928am

    So you are under the impression that the huge dept came from the two years democrats had control?

    Are you serious? At best it's because no one has done a thing. without looking it up can you name one thing congress has done in the last four years?

    They have done nothing. heck republicans said they were going to do nothing and sabotage the whole system so that Obama remains a one term president.

    We are paying the price for their hatred of this man.

  14. Democrats are so confusing--here they have been telling us that the Republicans want to throw old people off a cliff and that the Republicans want to take away Medicare from the elderly, yet when an 82 year old gives a speech supporting Republicans they are "rambling and senile". Democrats are hypocritical liars and too stupid to see Eastwood was quite brilliant last night.

  15. 9:49, the democrats had control of congress for the first 2 years of obama's presidency and fouled things up royally. Then 2 yrs ago when the republicans took control of congress they were able to block more of the same spend spend spend with no results and hole being dug deeper obama and democrat legislation.
    As a matter of FACT things started going down hill when republicans lost control of congress under G W Bush. I know the democrats want everyone to forget but GW warned of the impending financial disaster and called on the democratically controlled congress to investigate banking. But they ignore GW and in the words of the democrats own Barney Frank "these 2 entities-Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-are not facing any kind of financial crisis."
    That's what he said.
    To blame the former admin is nothing more than another obama lie and facts back it up.
    No matter how anyone tries to spin it, the democrats have been nothing more than a hugh failure.

  16. You're right Anon 9:49 and there's a whole bunch of them in Congress NOT DOING THEIR JOB!
    "Change" starts with CONGRESS!
    You can't change the path unless you change CONGRESS!
    The President only has SO much power.
    Ones who want to blame Obama for so much need to look at CONGRESS, first!

  17. "So you are under the impression that the huge dept came from the two years democrats had control?"

    Yes! The national deficit has increase more in Obama's less than 4 years than it did in Bush's whole 8 years. Even Fact Check.org a liberal organization says "there's no sugar-coating it as some President Obama supporters have tried to do."

  18. 9:49 I admit I can't stand Obama. I dislike his handout instead of hand up mentality. He gives people no inspiration to do better and to me their is no better feeling than being able to provide for your family.
    What kind of life is it when you can't even afford to take your children out for a Happy Meal treat? Or you have no money to fix a broken vehicle or money to buy a new one? Obama likes keeping people down. He doesn't want them to be self sufficient.
    Instead of supporting proven industry that will create jobs such as coal and fuels from the US he gave billions away to unproven energy sources which failed. He doesn't want people to have jobs. His only way to get people to admire him is through handing out welfare.
    He is a divider amoung people. He wants the down trodden to hate successful people forgetting all the while it is the successful people who are responsible for organizaions such as the Salvation Army which helps the down trodden.

  19. "Anonymous said...
    You're right Anon 9:49 and there's a whole bunch of them in Congress NOT DOING THEIR JOB!
    "Change" starts with CONGRESS!
    You can't change the path unless you change CONGRESS!
    The President only has SO much power.
    Ones who want to blame Obama for so much need to look at CONGRESS, first!

    August 31, 2012 10:16 AM"

    YEAH! And the first to go should be Perlosi and Wasserman Schultz-both incompetent liars whose only platform is sex. Barney Frank has seen the handwritiing on the wall so he's "retiring."
    The question is who do we replace Paul Ryan with? We need more like him who have ideas, answers and solutions.

  20. Well, Maryland will be voting for Obama anyway, so none of this debate matters if you are a MD voter. When the Electoral College casts its vote, it will show all the MD votes going to President Obama. That is just a fact and all of the bellyaching in the world won't change that. How do you like those Founding Fathers now?

  21. 9:55 I agree and will add that liberals believe Obama's slick and slimy teleprompter fed speeches that are nothing but lies (hope,change,transparency). It just shows their lack of intelligence. Here you have an 82 year old man that speaks the truth but all they can do is criticize the delivery but not the content.

  22. I bet Mr. Eastwood dosen't care one bit what Obama or his supporters say or think. He stood up in front of his country and gave his opinion as he has the right to do. We need to get rid of this administration while we still have the right to free speech. I put nothing past this administration.

  23. I agree 1:21 and would like to add that the republican party could care less what obama and supporters think. We know what Eastwood said was the truth, they know it was the truth and can't deny it and that's why they are in attack mode today. The truth sucks!

  24. Alex said...
    But it wasn't funny. At least make it funny. The chair was more amusing.

    August 31, 2012 8:50 AM

    You have to have the intellect to understand the humor. You must watch a lot of t.v. sitcoms where the humor, Or lack of it, is dumped in your lap.

  25. In his speech Mr. Eastwood also said "We are the people and government suppose to work for us, if someone fails to do his job, we just have to let him go." And this administration failed miserably. Next man up, please .........Just say NO-BAMA 2012!

  26. Obama is a miserable failure, Obama Motors. Paul Ryan said it best when he stated that not only are we spending too much money but we are spending too much borrowed money. What happens when China wants their trillion back? I'll tell everyone. There goes the Obamaphones, the food stamps, Medicaid, etc. We have to be self sufficient in this country.

  27. Take a poll. How many that didn't like Clint's speech are democrats?


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