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Monday, August 06, 2012

Meanwhile, The Salisbury Fire Department Is Waxing Their New Fire Boat


  1. Isn't it a pity, tax dollars spent for the things we don't need. While our city police suffer with low wages, poor benefits. A few years ago the county cut the sheriff's budget $1 million. But we can afford a hole in the water where our money goes?

    Those that hand out money like that should be beheaded and left for the buzzards and worms to eat.

  2. Maybe if they didn't try to drive like Dale Earnheart all the time, maybe the cars would last longer.

  3. Too bad it was a done deal before city council could nix it.

  4. Don't worry after Jim Liarton presents his plan for the Obama grant the city council will accept it and they will have 12 more fireman to wax that yacht.

  5. And we talk about saving money and cutting expenses. What a waste! If the money came directly out of your pocket, would you spend wastefully? I think not!

  6. Will us citizens ever get people elected that care what we need and not waste our tax dollars?

  7. Last year the board of ed. cut the deputy for Salisbury Middle even though the public was told student safety would be cut only as a last resort. Parents worked with the county council and sheriff's office to get the position reinstated. While the board cut the deputy for the students, they added a deputy for themselves (brand new expense) at all board meetings and the deputies are paid overtime. This summer they've added cameras to monitor the board entrances and you can't get in the building at all until the receptionist buzzes you in. So the extra funding they had to have is spent on security for Long Avenue? Don't they know you can just walk in most schools and sign in like you used to be able to do at the board? Why do they worry more about safety of the central office than safety of the kids? I'm sure we'll be told the need for their cameras was fully disclosed at budget hearings. Not.

  8. I have never heard of a bunch of people crying and whining about something they know nothing about. Really you all need to get a life !

  9. Repo at its best!

  10. they didn't need as many cars as they used to, what with everybody leaving because of low salary and poor management


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