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Monday, August 20, 2012

Maryland Gov. O'Malley To Speak at Democratic Convention

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley will be a speaker at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., next month. 
The Democratic National Convention Committee announced additional speakers on Monday.
O'Malley has a high profile in the party, frequently appearing on national television shows. O'Malley also is the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association. 


  1. Maybe he can explain why this very blue state is now promoting gambling because we are last in every other good thing America usually offers.

  2. Excellent place for him! He'll fit right in with the rest of the BS artists.

  3. Maybe he can explain why 43 other states have the right to carry law and he is fighting to keep Marylanders unarmed. I guess he thinks he is smarter than 43 other governors. Fact is that he is just a typical liberal and will fit right in with the liberal dems at the convention.

  4. I expect him to be introduced as the governor of tax hell.

  5. that way every other state in the union can see how stupid our governor is

  6. One thing our Governor is not and that is stupid.

    I have been fortunate enough to spend quite some time with Governor O'Malley and I have always stated the following. He has to be one of the smartest men I know. I may not like his political views but you cannot call the man stupid and those who know him personally take your comment seriously, with all due respect.

  7. I'm not the commenter who said omally was stupid but I cannot agree with Joe and say he is smart in the common definition of the word. He is possibly smart like a thief or criminal and can make up an excuse instantaneously but as far as smart leader wise he is not.
    He has no solutions for job creation other than more government jobs. He has no solutions for state finances other than higher taxes and fees.

  8. anonymous 11:02, I said I didn't agree with his politics, didn't I.

  9. Buckle up buttercakes, o'taxie wants to be president......imagine the ticket, o'iodit, and running mate o'taxie. Just when we thought it couldn't get worse!


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