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Friday, August 03, 2012

Man Arrested For Making Movie Theater Threats

A bail review has been postponed for a man facing disorderly conduct and other charges for acting like he had a gun in an Annapolis movie theater.

A spokeswoman for the Anne Arundel County state's attorney said Thursday the review has been postponed so Kyle Nolan Tanner can undergo an emergency psychological evaluation.



  1. looks like he needs one

  2. he's lucky to still be alive, if he'd decided to do this in a less oppressive state he probably would've been shot.

  3. emergency psychological evaluation.
    I think I can tell you right now he is nutso

  4. Crazy people always have the best hair

  5. Yeah, just one look at that picture says a lot. And just who will the left blame? Republicans, Tea Party, Chick-fil-A, Bush, Romney, the NRA, global warming...??

  6. scary looking dude

  7. Nobody needs to be blamed. Be glad you weren't born with a mental disability.

  8. "Madagascar 3" must be a veewy scaaaawy movie to do that to a fella.

  9. It’s time we take a stand against these sick bastards. How can we live free when you have those who want to infringe on that right. I don’t care what lead them to the point of wanting to kill people but better yet for you to die than for you to live among us. We need to pass laws that support a quick trial with the death penalty for those cases that are obvious. These cases should be wrapped up and off the books no later than one year after the crime. Lawyers you should refuse to take these heartless individuals as your clients. I don’t care if they are paying you or not. Sure they have rights. So did the victims they killed. Why are you worried about if they get a bed and TV? They should be put into a dark room with only a bottle of water and day old bread.

  10. 2:34
    It is Bush's fault.

  11. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he probably doesn't get laid ever.

  12. If they ever remake Deliverence,this guy would be shoe in for a mountain man role.

  13. I think I can tell you right now he is nutso

    August 3, 2012 1:36 PM

    Who are you, the Fonz? lol


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