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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Major General: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchashing Enough Lethal Ammunition To Put 5 Rounds In Every American?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S.

Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be used — those causing the civil unrest — must be American citizens; since the SSA has never been used overseas to help foreign countries maintain control of their citizens.

What would be the target of these 174, 000 rounds of hollow point bullets? It can’t simply be to control demonstrators or rioters. Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows.

Potentially each hollow nose bullet represents a dead American. If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest?



  1. this has been going on for awhile now. the government knows when the blank hits the fan, citizens who love this country will rise up.

    the money is going to stop coming from the government, even social security. so what do you think will happen?

    the powers that be have lined their pockets with our tax dollars. the coffers are just about empty and there is nothing else to do and no where else to go. riots will ensue and there will be a huge panic in the streets and communities.

    even jimmy and ricky won't be able to help us locally. o'malley, well that's a lost cause as well.

    unfortunately, we get what we deserve. we are sleeping while rome burns...

  2. they know the revolution is coming
    thanks sjd

  3. Your right...they know all heck is going to hit the fan soon...and Obumer is scared!

  4. I am better shot than you Homie!

  5. Where is the money coming from to pay for them??? The Social Security Trust Fund??

  6. and the rich robber barons will be sitting somewhere nice and warm without a worry in the world while we all feed off each other. I suggest stocking up with just as much as the feds are!

  7. I need to stock up with a minimum 5000 rounds. So do you. They will miss 90% of their shots, practice with the rest. Be prepared.

  8. This is a planned collapse of our society on all levels; financially and economically, social collapse of morality and disgust after having lived under statutory laws for far too long, and a currency collapse.

    Save STUFF not money. Buy the stuff you normally buy with your money. Get rid of U.S. Dollars - they are worthless. Buy commodities you need.

    Hunker down and keep quiet. Protect your family and your neighbor. When the FEMA Truck comes to your neighborhood, hide.

  9. Review your history... If the election looks shaky there will be groups causing disturbances (paid thugs) giving the 'leader' reason to declare martial law (well prepared for in advance) and avoid being deposed. Sound familiar??

  10. 8:49 hit the nail right on the head. There will be no election in November.

  11. We have tumbled quite far down the rabbit hole

  12. Joe - You know Andy Harris. Can you ask him to come on here and explain why so many of our gov't. agencies are buying all this ammo? Thanks in advance.

  13. 7:42 Hide?
    Like in Syria? Libya?

  14. Gold hoarding by the global elite is at the root of it all.


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