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Saturday, August 11, 2012


Over the last decade, while the U.S. government went $16 trillion into debt, for a total of $54 trillion including private debt, China has been quietly investing in the rest of the world with it’s income. The U.S. is bankrupt, and China is attempting to own the world.

In the real world, free market principles bring wealth and prosperity, and Central bank debt slavery brings disaster. The Chinese understand that investment brings return, and that debt leads to death. The U.S. has taken “the road more traveled”, same as Europe, by creating Welfare and government employee states/countries that have wiped them out economically. We simply have no more money to invest; but only more and more debt.

China, on the other hand, has made trillions limiting imports and maximizing export goods to the U.S. and Europe, where consumers buy their crap on credit. China has taken that money and bought up strategic resources all over the world, but particularly in resource-rich Africa and South America. They have formed alliances with many oil producers, and have signed currency agreements with Russia, Japan, Brazil and many other countries to stop using the dollar as reserve currency. When the U.S. dollar is no longer reserve currency, we’re pretty well finished as the entire world will dump dollar-based assets, and we’ll have to exchange worthless dollars for other currencies just to trade for oil and goods.

We are truly living on borrowed time. China and Asia have taken much of our manufacturing and production (and the jobs). China is even buying up large chunks of the U.S., including entire towns in Michigan and large swaths of “rust belt” cities in the Midwest like Toledo, Ohio. China will own or control most of the resources on this planet before long, and the process will only accelerate after Europe and the U.S. collapse under the weight of tens of trillions in debt.


1 comment:

  1. I like that term, "Rust Belt". If you want to see ours here in the East, just take the train AM Track, not the fast one, from Baltimore to Providence. The Rust Belt along the tracks is a wasteland of unbelievable dimensions and evidence that our manufacturing base has gone elsewhere.


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