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Thursday, August 16, 2012


After news broke Wednesday of the New Black Panthers calling for the killing of white babies,  more shocking audio from the group’s radio program has now surfaced. In the organization’s radio opening for August 13, they play a shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general, and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women:
We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the fa**ots, we kill the lesbians, I say god dammit we kill them all.


  1. Somebody needs some anger management classes.

  2. Comments to this article have the potential to get very nasty, most of my friends are "Old Crackers" and they have been through a lot. They won't be threatened by a bunch of Punks in Black Uniforms.
    Be very careful when you start messing with an Old Guy.


  3. That's a lot of work for them lazy bums to do!

  4. If indeed they are on the bottom its because of bigots like him. Why doesn't start that kind of rant at a Toby Keith concert? Frankly because he doesn't have the balls.

  5. How can they get away with saying this? The guy in Western Maryland that threatened to shoot people at his work got locked up. These thugs want to kill an entire race and are free to roam around. They should lock them up for contributing to the delinquency of the minor at the very least

  6. They sam way they got away with it in Philly! They are one of The One and Holder's protected classes.

  7. There is a reason he goes on Radio and does this, pleas eby all means come to Maryland and stand up and say this stuff, see how far you get.

  8. That's what you get with o'bama's friends, and radicals. Why is it that these can kind of crackpots can run around free and lose and nothing is done about it? And why doesn't some social service in the area get involved when they endanger children. They are the most vile racist of all.

  9. Their utter stupidity is revealed by their own words! Is it 24 hours or by sundown? Do you even know the difference? If I stay 3 days, does it count? Would you know if I was "over" my limit? Can you even read a watch or a calendar? Do you know that the moon comes out in the daytime, too? (THAT one will F them up)I'll be watching them counting on their toes...

  10. Don't tell me that Obama and Holder do not know this is going on. Are they coming to the front and having them locked up for threats. No way in hell they will. If I stood in a church and suggested we kill all black baby's I'd get locked up in a heartbeat.

  11. 5:46 you are correct...that's their only claim to fame, call it work, couldn't get them to touch it! It's what o'bama/holder is all about

  12. Perfectly okay because they are black. Let a Klan member spout this kind of vulgarity and everyone would be screaming.

  13. Molon Labe


  14. "Bring it on Bro...I'll pop a cap..."

  15. Actually, Joe Biden provides the most entertaining racial arguments.

  16. Now to quote the president, "here is change we can believe in". See America, if we don't vote him out, look what we have to look forward to, young stupid radicals without a brain cell in their heads, and muslims calling the shots in America.

  17. Don't they realize that if they exterminate the white race there wouldn't be anyone to get welfare from ? Their meal, drug and booze ticket would be gone.

  18. I guarantee they are registered DEMOCRATS.


  19. 7:41 PM
    They each have 12 virgins waiting in the next life. I never did hear virgin what?

  20. Hope and change we can all believe in. How's that working out for you screwball liberals now..Dumb SOB's . And the msm has nothing to say

  21. I believe in hope and change. I surely hope I have some change left in my pocket in November! As long as Obama and Holder allow this to happen there will be unrest in America. Is that what they want? Perhaps it's because Obama wants to declare Marshal Law in the USA so he can block the election? Wake up people. We have a serious problem here.

  22. Pretty nasty stuff - and really should not be given the screen or air time.

    If you do a little research, you will see that the NEW Black Panther Movement is an extremely racist and militant hate group - like the KKK only different skin color. Anyway the Black Panther organization from whom they draw their name actually condemn the NBP movement and have tried to get court injunctions against them using the Black Panther name and symbol.

    It's really sad that in this new century we are still fighting severe racism on many fronts. Especially since the social concept of race was invented by the Founding Fathers to deal with the fact that although the Constitution they were writing guaranteed freedom to all men ( not women or people of color), there were in fact slaves in America. So a pseudo-scientific difference had to be invented between European-Americans and African-Americans.

    Actually there is NO scientific basis for race, there is NO scientific classification of race. We are all Homo Sapiens.

  23. why is this allowed?

  24. lmao, let's do the math blacks comprise approximately 15% of the population, whites around 50%, yeah I think that's a real smart decision start a war while being outnumbered by superior forces.
    Come and get it!
    I'll just keep buying ammo in the meantime! waiting patiently for your arrival!

  25. I'm Black and this is disgusting. Racism is racism regardless of color. Sure some things this country did to Black people were wrong but this is still the greatest country in the world and things have become better due to the resiliency and strenth of ALL Americans. If the Black Panther Party hates this country that much...then leave and find another country that will give them the freedom to threaten violence, spew hatred, and sew dissention while enjoying the fruits of all that America has to offer. I'm also an aviator in the military so I"ll charter the first flight to wherever they think they need to be since they hate it here.
    I don't agree with a lot of the racist comments that the BLack Panther Party's Racism has incited as well as the Racism of the Black Panther Party. It truly is sad that the Black Panther party is this hateful but those who reply with the same racist invective are no better.
    Like I said...I'm Black and a military aviator whose flew in the desert to defend both sides of this disgusting arguement and I'll continue to do so because nowhere else on earth is there a country as great as America where we all have the right to think, say, and threaten anything we like without penalty of jail or unpunished violence.
    All I can hope is that those of us with cooler heads prevail and stay above this fray of hate to push this country farther along the trajectory of democracy. We, as Americans, are a city on the hill..the shining example to the world but unfortunately things like this and the racist responses to it dim the light.

  26. Isn't Joe Biden an old white cracker himself? That's some support he's getting from his boss.

  27. Better pack a lunch home boy!!

  28. They need to talk to the American Indians. They can tell you what happens when you mess with whitey !!!!!!!!!! lol They got a thousand acres of rocks and sand to live on. The women out numbered the men for years do the math


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