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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Janna Ryan Off-Stage By Choice As Husband Emerges As GOP Rock Star

Janna Ryan is just emerging as the wife of a vice presidential candidate, but her first few days in the role appear to show the once small-town girl prefers being the family rock – not a political rock star.
During an overflow rally last weekend in North Carolina, just hours after husband and GOP Rep. Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate, Janna politely declined to take the microphone – twice. 
Such demure behavior is typical of Ryan, say people who have know the mother of three from her early days in Madill, Okla., (population 3,781) through her time on K Street as a tax attorney, then a lobbyist.


  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    So Freaking Fake. His kids and wife will NEVER have to worry about how they are going to feed their kids today. Lose their home because they couldn't pay their mortgage after losing his/her job. Is their enough money left to pay the utility bill. What to do when the telephone is disconneted because you can't afford a cell phone.
    They look like they don't have to worry about anything.

  2. So 2:57pm, do you prefer to have someone as a potential VP being unemployed with a dysfunctional family life to worry about and perhaps has never balanced tier own budget???

  3. She stays quiet because with Paul Ryan im sure she has been taught to stay in her place as he thinks all women should.

  4. No not a fake 2:57 but people who spent the years of their lives that mattered the most making sure they wouldn't have to worry about their telephone being shut off. It's obvious the Ryan's had goals that included education and hard work and not making illegitmate babies, getting tattos and partying and socializing with criminals. Their life is achievable by anyone.
    She chooses to stay out of the limelight as most wives of successful men do. They are not loudmouths like Michelle Obama who are trained and made to toot their husbands horns.


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