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Monday, August 20, 2012

It's The Soldier

It's the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us the freedom of the press.
It's the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us the freedom of speech.
It's the Soldier, not the politician,
Who ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.


  1. We do not live in a military dictatorship.

    The Soldier has not "given" us these things...they are endowed by our Creator. They are inalienable.

    The Solider helps protect them...but so do the reporters, the poets, and the even the politicians.

  2. Jesus gave his life so we could be "set free" from ourselves and the sins of the past, present and future and have eternal life.

    the soldier gives his life so we can live free in America and around the world.

  3. I might remind you (before you break out in the rousing USA! USA!USA!) that US Marines have been practicing civilian crowd control. They are NOT practicing for work in Thailand. 10:56 has it right. These rights are ours, NOT "given", like gifts to us, by men or governments, and they are protected by ALL men with an interest in freedom. Its the ones who want to TAKE that freedom (hint- they are NOT in caves in Afghanistan, or in the deserts of Iraq..) that we need to be wary of....

  4. Unless you are a Solder or have a Soldier that is close to you, you can never really understand their sacrifice. Somehow people forget what they do. There are things that these Brave Men and Women do every day that you or anyone else in this world even knows about. Our Armed Forces are the best in the world!! Try treating them with Respect. After all, if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be able to lay your head down at night on your bed and soft pillow and sleep peacefully.

  5. They get my respect.
    It is the Commander in Chiefs loyalties, intellect, integrity, honesty and morality that are in question.

  6. So true, and it's the press responsible for it's taking away.


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