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Friday, August 17, 2012

Is It Okay For Store Owners To Call Out Bad Customers By Listing Names On Public Wall Of Shame?

It isn't just businesses that often need a dose of public shame to stop acting awful — sometimes customers are taken to task when they're behaving badly, as one video store owner in North Carolina has been doing. She estimates that she's lost about $26,000 in unpaid late fees and videos that never returned in the last three years and is taking to social media and a Wall of Shame in her store to fight back.

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  1. Hell yeah it is. Bad checks, running out on a tab, etc. Wall of shame those losers!

  2. Yes I listed bad checks in the past on my front door. They paid up. I know better now..NO CHECKS.

  3. I think it is a good idea. There were several stores that did the same thing when a customer wrote a bad check. Since the courts don't seem to do much except release people and let them go, I think the store owner's need to do whatever they can inorder to not lose any more money. It's hard enough for business owners to stay in business with this economy. Why should the offenders get off free and clear. It is wrong. An honest person pays for what they buy, they have no need to steal, or write rubber checks. When offenders go free, we all pay.

  4. If any of you remember Tape Word (across from Park's Martial Art's old building) did this back in the 80's, when they were still around.

    I even remember seeing this phrase on their sign one day: Want to see your name in lights? Write us a bad check.

    True story!

  5. Hockers does this in delaware

  6. The grocery store in Snow Hill also does this.

  7. One of the stores that I routinely go to has their picture near the cash register.I'd pay up in a heartbeat if I saw myself there.

  8. Why wouldn't it be?


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