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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

India Is In Trouble

The nation of India is dealing with an energy crisis, which has led to the largest blackout in the history of the world. Half the country went dark on Tuesday, as India's power grids collapsed – leaving 620 million people without electricity. The blackout raises questions about India's infrastructure and its capability to sustain an emerging superpower economy. The problem was made worse by a monsoon season with unseasonably warm temperatures, suggesting that as the climate crisis picks up, developing nations could be hardest hit by freak weather.


  1. You have a ton of people that now can afford electric and cars. This is one of the reasons our gas is so expensive. Thank you for calling customer support.

  2. Another huge issue, that hasn't been covered much by the media, is the Indian gov't going after Vodafone over a phantom tax bill. A few years back, Vodafone purchased 50% of the 2nd largest telecom. The Indian gov't got pissed and tried to tax them billions for it. Went to the Indian Supreme Court, where the court decided in Vodafones favor. So now, the Indian legislature is attempting to pass a law that would tax companies retroactively going back to the 1960s. It's a crazy thing, a lot of multi-nationals are avoiding India now and many are pulling out their operations or stopping expansion plans.

  3. So what does this mean? Are we being primed to feel sorry for them and provide aid?I bet you won't see continuous coverage of this in any other country.Why?Because it's all they can do to keep up and break even.We can't even do that.We have starving people here.What about them?No nonstop coverage when they do without anything.

  4. I wonder how Comcast,credit card companies are dealing with this since they shipped business over there.

  5. 600 MILLION people with refrigeration, air conditioning, subways, traffic lights, etc. and it isn't mentioned on the evening news or in the papers here. What do you think would happen in THIS country if JUST 100 million people lost all their food and power (including the power to deliver WATER)? Huh? Exactly. Curfews. Martial law. Homeland Security shooting rioters and cities emptying into the countryside. Its something that even the government admits is a VERY real possiblity and a relatively simple thing to do. Napalitano doesn't seem to worried about it, so I am feeling reassured. I'm kidding about that last part....(the part about being "reassured", that is....


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