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Friday, August 03, 2012

In Defense of Gabby Douglas' Hair

Gabby Douglas is proudly representing her country in the Olympics. She's poised under pressure, performing gravity-defying athletic feats in front of an international audience. She's 16 and the second female African American U.S. gymnast to ever make the team. But instead of lauding her achievements, some people are slamming her for... not getting her hair done.

Seriously? Douglas is an incredible athlete. When you're doing something like this on a 3.9-inch wide wooden beam set four feet above the ground, the last thing you're worrying about is your hair.

Some critics insist that Douglas needs to properly represent the African American community, and how her hair looks is part of that. And yet, most of the negative comments about her hair are coming from other African Americans.



  1. She was adorable looking.....young and focused. I was so proud to see her represent the United States of America! Besides, with a smile like hers who is looking at her hair anyway? Go Gabby!!

  2. If Don Imus had said these things, totally different response. She's a hell of an Olympian!

  3. I could care less if she was bald! Go Gabby! Team USA!!!

  4. Such an amazing talent that I did'nt even notice her hair.If she's only 16 now and this good,imagine how good she'll be in 4 more years.

  5. I never once noticed her hair last night. I did however notice the little Russian girls glitter in her eye makeup and hair. All I kept thinking was if it was me it would get in my eyes.

  6. What stands out to me is that, upon winning, she was beaming and talking about how happy and proud she was. The term black/AA was not mentioned until a reporter reminded her that she was a "pioneer" due to her skin color.
    This is how racism is kept alive by the media. No one of color can be recognized for who they are as a person/talent, without race being injected into the conversation by and for the sake of the media.

  7. Perhaps if the people commenting about her hair were doing something to make their children accomplished like Gabby (instead of sitting around with their hair and nails "did") they would have no reason to be jealous of her! I thin she is beautiful inside and out! GO GABBY GO!!!!!!!!!

  8. I thought her hair was cute and she was just fine, thank you very much.

  9. Can you show a picture of Gabby and take down that God-awful one of Ms. Brew?


  10. AMAZING young lady, an athlete, beautiful with a smile that just won't stop.

    And not a thing wrong with her hair.

    Gabby has done herself, her family, and her country proud. She is a sterling role model for her gender, her race and for all humanity.

  11. Does anyone remember what michael phelps hair looked like? The other team mate of Gabbys had multiple clips holding her hair back from her face, i only noticed as I thought that would be uncomfortable, has anyone criticized her hair? So glad to see so many "intelligent" "non critical" responses on this blog.

  12. perhaps she wishes to stay true to here ethnic background and not damage her hair with all the processing items used to 'do' her hair. she is a cutie just as she is.

  13. So glad to see so many "intelligent" "non critical" responses on this blog.

    August 4, 2012 10:29 AM

    If you don't like the responses here, don't come here.

  14. She's an amazing young lady. One of humility and faith. She's an American. Born here. Raised her. Etc. She represented and won the Gold Medal for our country. I agree with one of the other writers, why is RACISM added? She's an American. Period. I'm glad she won it all! And, she's cute as a button, not that this makes any difference. But, the hair haters need to find a life. Way to go Gabby! Go USA!

  15. Gabby Douglas is the first African American female gymnist who won a gold medal in the all around indivdiual events in gymnastics, ever. At the age of 16, she beat out the so call best of the best female gymnist all over the world who was there to represented their own country. I could not have been more proud of her with or without a bad hair day. However, the little Russian girls with glitter on her eye and makeup hair was cute on the outside. But, she showed the worst of the worst sportsmanlike conduct towards the fans and downright disrespect towards her coach in publec and on TV when her own performance was extremely poor I have ever seen during an olympic competition. If one want to criticize Gabby's hairstyle, let's really talk about the pretty girl Russian poor and downright disrespectful sportsmanlike conduct at the olympic's gymnastic event.
    It's an embarassement to the Rissian people and it's country.

  16. I think they should all cut their hair short instead of pulling it back so tightly. That's gotta hurt! When it's short they don't have to worry about it swinging in their face.


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