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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In The Color Of Money,
 Red Staters More Charitable Than Blues

Am I my brother’s keeper? Conservatives and churchgoers are far more likely to say “yes,” research shows.
A major survey by the Chronicle of Philanthropy confirms that residents of states that lean Republican and are most religious donate more of their money to charity, while more secular regions — and areas that tend to vote Democrat — give less.
But researchers caution that churchgoers are no more generous than secular Americans when donations to religious groups are excluded.


  1. So the Liberals preach about peace love blah blah blah but never put their money where their mouth is. They want welfare for everyone as long as they don't have to spend only their own money.

  2. Another WORTHLESS poll!
    I would say that out of our circle of friends, the Democrat friends give way more to charity than our Republican friends.
    In fact, we find a few of our Rep. friends to be downright greedy, however, I will say they probably have the most of any of the group.
    Wow, sounds like the rich end of the Republican Party on a local level. Go figure!
    By the way, we're Independents.

  3. 8:07
    What a joke!
    Even in the face of evidence you deny it.
    Typical Democrat tactic. LIE! LOL!

    I know many people that would give much more to charity if Democrat controlled Government TAXES were not so high.
    That is welfare right?
    Government forced charity. Problem being I dont want the Government to dictate who I donate to.


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