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Friday, August 17, 2012

Immigrant ‘Dreamers’ Apply In Droves For New Program, Thousands Now Expected To Attend College

The energy, excitement and raw emotion was undeniable as an estimated 1,000 “dreamers” showed up at CASA de Maryland's Langley Park center Wednesday for its inaugural application clinic, kicking off President Obama’s new deferred deportation program.

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  1. This is one of the mosts idiotic moves made by this President!
    They are here ILLEGALLY!
    Nothing else should be in consideration, period!
    THIS I believe will cause a MAJOR loss in votes come November.

  2. Where is ICE when you need them.....?

  3. I seen three myself.

  4. I'm quite sure Obama will make it legal for them to vote also.

    This is but another reason on the long long list or reasons to vote for Romney.

  5. And who's gonna pay off their college loans?


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