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Saturday, August 25, 2012

IMF Favors Giving Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Billions

The International Monetary Fund, which has been in business since 1945, when it was formed to help the defeated Axis countries and some others to keep their currencies lined up with the dollar but has more recently been in the business of offering bailouts, is now considering loaning $4.8 billion to Egypt’s new government. Why? Because, as the fund puts it, the loan would be “ a reflection of the IMF’s continuous commitment to support Egypt and its people during this historic period of transition.”

Fitch Ratings, in a characteristically amoral statement, said that the decisions of Egypt’s president, Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi, to dismiss Egypt’s two top generals and reserve legislative and executive power for himself, were “potentially positive developments.” The stalled negotiations between the IMF and Morsi had been “symptomatic of the impact of political uncertainty on policymaking.”



  1. If you ever needed a reason to vote for Romney it is his plan to make the U.S. energy independent of the Middle East--not only will our economy boom we could get the heck out of there and let these barbarians attack someone else. Obama will continue to deliberately make oil and coal prohibitively expensive just so solar and wind will look better, and make his crony donors rich. WTF up

  2. I think it is time to take out anyone that supports Islam. They hate Americans. It's time for a war on Islam and we should eliminate the the liberals first.


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