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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Illegals Obama Refused To Deport Charged With 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes

Well, this seems fair -- perfectly in line with Obama's socialist drive to spread the wealth.
After hundreds of innocent Mexicans died as a result of the Obama Administration flooding that country with thousands of guns through the cynical and politically motivated Fast and Furious program, it's only fair for the White House to allow Mexican citizens to wreak havoc and misery here in America:

The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday.

All told, the nearly 47,000 illegal immigrants the administration was notified of but declined to deport between 2008 and 2011 under its Secure Communities program had a recidivism rate of 16 percent, the committee said.

They were just part of the nearly 160,000 immigrants — most of them here legally — who were flagged by Secure Communities during the three year period but who were either not eligible to be deported or who the administration decided to release. Those immigrants went on to be charged in nearly 60,000 more crimes, according to the committee and the Congressional Research Service, which issued a report on the matter.

The findings stem from the Obama administration’s Secure Communities program, which was designed to identify immigrants who run afoul of the law and who the administration decides it wants to deport.

Equality, it's a beautiful thing.



  1. You can not expect him to deport family members!

  2. The guy is just plain stupid. He is truly unAmerican.

  3. 19 murders? Chicken feed. Small potatoes. Wait til a terrorist, who, according to congressional testimony (sworn testimony) from Janet Napalitano, crosses our border from "time to time" (and that seems to be okay with her and obama) with a nuclear device and sets in off in New York. Or Washington D.C.. Maybe Dallas. How will they explain the death of a million Americans? Answer? It's Bush's fault. The Americans who survive with burns and radiation poisoning hopefully will know who to REALLY blame.

  4. cant get rid of the people that will vote for him

  5. and the many thousands more who are still in detention make millions of $$$ for their for-profit prison overseers

  6. Oh let's forget the fact that more illegals are deported under this administration than any other.

  7. Come on 1:46. Are you really that stupid or is it just and act?

  8. There is NO reason ILLEGAL'S should NOT be deported asap. Send them back from where they came.

  9. Come on 2:43 PM/ Whether I am stupid or not is unimportant. Go look at the figures yourself and then get back to me.

    You will never learn the truth if you keep sitting on it. Go find out yourself.

  10. 1:46 You are dim.

    Deportation does not matter when you let 10,000 times the number you deport in to the COUNTRY.


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