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Monday, August 06, 2012

How To Solve The Voter ID Debate

It's time for Congress to create a federal ID card that would guarantee eligible voters the right to cast a ballot

In the Jim Crow South, the “Powers-That-Be” had ways of preventing blacks from voting: poll taxes and literacy tests. The Supreme Court and Congress eliminated those obstacles decades ago, but today there is a new way of keeping eligible voters from casting ballots: overly restrictive voter ID laws.

Pennsylvania recently adopted a new voter ID law that critics say could prevent as many as 1.5 million people from voting. A new Texas law could disenfranchise about as many. Eleven states have adopted new voter ID laws just since the 2010 elections. By one estimate, as many as 10% of eligible voters nationwide lack the documentation required by voter ID laws.

There is a simple solution to this problem. It is time for congress to create a federal ID card that would guarantee people the right to cast a ballot.



  1. Yeah...the Feds are wonders at keeping track of things. Ever see the fraud in Medicare, welfare, tax returns, etc etc etc.

    If I need an ID for a 6 pack, I should be required to have an ID for my most important civic duty.

  2. Overly Restrictive?? Having an ID is an "overly restrictive" requirement?? Interesting.

  3. *POLL*
    Do YOU trust the Obama Regime U.S. Government to screen eligible voters and decide the threshold of true citizenship?

  4. They need a valid ID to get welfare and food stamps, how are they getting that without it and then claim they don't have it to vote??


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