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Sunday, August 12, 2012

How The GOP Establishment Stole The Nomination From Ron Paul

Many of the delegates Romney has won may be the result of dirty tricks and outright election fraud. IA: For the first time ever, the Iowa GOP changed the final vote count to a secret location. FL: The Florida GOP broke party rules by switching to a winner-take-all system. NV: After Paul won, Repugs formed "Team Nevada" to replace his delegation. CO: Romney supporters were caught passing out fake Ron Paul slates. Read more!


If you follow mainstream election coverage, you might think Mitt Romney has coasted to an honest, easy, well-deserved Republican nomination. Unfortunately for Republican voters, nothing could be further from the truth. The primary process has been an all-out slugfest and many of the delegates Romney has won may be the result of dirty tricks and even election fraud. The following narrative includes links to reports, first-hand testimonials, and video evidence highlighting actions taken by the GOP to ensure a Romney victory, at the expense of fracturing the party just prior to the general election. Party leaders at the county and state level have changed or violated party rules, cancelled caucuses, changed vote counts, thrown out entire counties of votes, counted public votes privately, called-in the SWAT team, and inexplicably replaced Paul delegates with Romney delegates to block Ron Paul from winning the nomination.

Iowa: Days before the caucuses, Paul held a commanding lead in the polls and all the momentum, with every other candidate having peaked from favorable media coverage and then collapsed under the ensuing scrutiny. Establishment Republicans, like Iowa's Representative Steve King (R), attempted to sabotage Paul's campaign by spreading rumors he would lose to Obama if nominated. Even though the Iowa GOP platform reads like a Ron Paul speech, shortly before the caucuses, Iowa Governor Terry Barnstad told Politico , "[If Paul wins] people are going to look at who comes in second and who comes in third. If Romney comes in a strong second, it definitely helps him going into New Hampshire". The message from the Governor to voters of his state was: a vote for Ron Paul was a wasted vote.



  1. How Obama stole the election from Hillary by calling her a racist.

  2. Ron Paul never had a chance... honestly and truly... all the spin in the world can't change the fact that even if there was a small number of "Stolen Delegates" (or whatever crazy talk you want to spew), he never had the base that the internet thinks he had.

    Having a devoted internet base doesn't count for beans if the entire voting base doesn't fall in line as well.

    Never. Had. A. Chance. Get over it.

  3. The only thing that can be stolen is that which is possessed. Ron Paul has possessed no delegates, no sane ideas, no comprehension of life, and no plan to ever understand. The one thing he did do was create a lot of nonsense and a little distraction. Surely he'll be happy back under his rock deep in his cave.

  4. Democrat propaganda.

  5. If you believe this (I really don't know enough to have an opinion), do you think these same people would be above stealing the elction in November?

  6. These comments are sad, I hope you guys are going to be happy when Obama wins.

  7. You Ron Paul freaks get on my nerves.

  8. There are 5 people running for President...if you get your info from TV I'd bet you didn't know that. Good luck with the two party system.


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