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Saturday, August 11, 2012


Nine years after a battle over a stone monument listing the Ten Commandments inside a state court building in Alabama, the state Supreme Court chief justice who was removed from office by a state judiciary panel is the leading candidate – to be the state Supreme Court chief justice.
Judge Roy Moore had installed the 5,280-pound stone monument as part of an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty over American life, and when he refused to haul it away as a federal judge wanted, a state judicial panel removed him from office.
But after a stunning upset victory over two better-funded competitors for the GOP nomination for the office, incumbent Chuck Malone and former state Attorney General Charlie Graddick, Moore now is leading in the statewide race in Alabama, where voters choose the chief justice.



  1. The strong Christian man would always be elected in any state where the "voters choose the chief justice" instead of the godless politicians.

  2. Good for him. He stood on what he believed in. God has a place everywhere. We have removed him from court houses and schools and so many places and look at what has happened. I say put God back in schools and everywhere he had been removed from and you will see a better more moral America.

  3. dittos to 8:48 and i would add godless judges...

    this is a good man. i pray he wins.

  4. I wonder if god just looks down and shakes his head at the people who are supposed to lead us.


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