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Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hoping? President Barack Obama’s team has apparently been waiting for a Paul Ryan vice presidential pick.
The president’s campaign wasted no time labeling the Wisconsin congressman as “severely conservative” calling his budget proposal “a sham” and blaming his economics for “crash[ing] our economy.”  The attacks came from a website launched while Ryan was giving his speech in Norfolk, Va. accepting the position of Mitt Romney’s running mate.  The website houses a full-on coordinated multimedia attack framing the Romney Ryan ticket as The Go Back Team  . The site is fully equipped to trash Ryan, Romney and their collective record.


  1. "Severely conservative" is hell of a lot better than severely communist.

  2. Paul Ryan is the author of the most extreme right-wing budget ever proposed in Congress. He wants to dismantle Medicare, privatize Social Security, and cut taxes for millionaires while raising taxes on the middle class.
    Furthermore, he is a Tea Party favorite.
    Wow, is the United States in trouble. Middle and Lower Class if they win

  3. Communist////lol///you are all puppets

  4. The Ryan budget does not propose Social Security reform. Paul Ryan favors major reforms to this program, but he apparently thinks that reforming health care and other entitlements is a higher priority right now.
    Ryan would repeal the 2010 health care law and reform Medicare by transitioning to a consumer-choice model. Those changes are expected to reduce annual outlays in 2022 by $258 billion.
    The system (Medicare) would change from one in which everyone gets the same set of benefits, for which the government pays, to one in which the government would give each senior citizen a fixed amount of money.
    Medicare will "dismantle" itself unless a bold common sense approach such as Ryan's takes hold 8:58. If you do not understand, google "Ponzi Scheme" and apply it to both SS and Medicare.

  5. 8:58:
    You're NOT correct in what you say...Substitute the word FIX for dismantle.

  6. 8:58
    Your statements are full of lies.
    Funny how you libtards can't speak the truth.

  7. 858-Is that why Ryan has been elected 7 times in a district that hasn't voted for a Republican for President since he's been in office? He wins, in landslides, in a strongly democratic district time and time again.

    Medicare is failing. Keep it how it is, and everyone loses. You can only kick the can down the road for so long.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Communist////lol///you are all puppets

    August 11, 2012 9:17 PM

    I believe you are the puppet you brain dead Chuck Cool Aid Drinker!

  9. 9:17 wouldn't be "LOL" if he (or she) had ever taken the time to educate themselves instead of following blindly like a good useful idiot.

  10. That's exactly what the democratic voters act like 11:15, good useful idiots. They blindly follow the lead of their idiot "leaders" such as "We Have To Pass The Bill So You Can Find Out What Is In It" Perlosi.
    They blindly latch onto phrases such as "no one will be denied healthcare" when if fact it's healthcare coverage,..... when in fact that is nothing new and was implimented in 1996 in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA.)
    Now their latest is Ryan's plan includes dismantling SS and Medicare.

  11. Romney just lost the independent vote. Independents don't like extremists or they wouldn't be independents.

  12. This locks Obama for 2012. So happy!

  13. I'm not so sure about that 2:07 as Ryan has always gotten the independant and swing votes in his home state of Wisconsin and his district is considered a swing district. It's the independants that nudge him into winning each time.

  14. The dumbocrats would tear anyone to shreds at this point as they know they stand a chance to lose their "king" this go around. They (dumbocrats) act so childish and revengeful if they are not in full control - can't stand a liberal or a dumbocrat for more than one minute when in the same room with one.

  15. Just wondering if he can see November from his house.


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