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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Freedom Of Speech


  1. Do you have to pay a fee at the MVA for those ?

  2. OK where can I get one of these! As a retired state employee OMalley has ruined Md, taxes, folks leaving, houses site idle, small businesses flee, and even through out Catalyst Drugs the Rockville based pharmaceutical provider for state employees and signed a 4.5 billion dollar deal for 4 years with exress scripts in St Louis. And he wants to run for president, if that happens another state may not be far enough to run to!

  3. Yeah but the Maryland democrats are still suckers and I would bet money they'll vote another democrat in as governor.

  4. You are correct 10:44 and they will also vote for Obama. Enough said for the intelligence of Marylanders.

  5. I agree with the tag but placing it over any portion of the official Md Reg plate us illegal. Md at article 13-411 g.

  6. anon 2:17:
    you want to be nit-picky in a time like this?

  7. 948, No charge! they're free at the Maryland DMV! You know, the one Omalley is in charge of. He said get them out the door, there's too many of them being printed! Just go there and ask for one!

  8. 5:21
    Of course 2:17 is a nit picking state mercenary paid by O'Malley.
    Doesn't matter if he agrees or not the pencil neck will still fine you for it.

  9. I have one: "Omalley and Obama sitting in a tree-K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love than comes marriage than come Little Barry in the baby carriage"


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