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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Former Marine Arrested For Patriotic Posts On Facebook

First the establishment started going after current serving military men for their outspoken political views on Facebook and other web venues, men like Marine Sergeant Gary Stein. Now, it seems the government is going after veterans as well. This is the classic pattern of a burgeoning totalitarian state; attack a small group first (outspoken serving military) which the public ignores because it affects them little personally, then slowly expand out to eventually include everyone else. To all those insipid bottom feeders out there who refused to defend Gary Stein's right to free speech, here is what you have wrought. Because of your ignorance, the government has been able to set a social precedent which they now plan to apply to a whole new group of people, starting with former Marine Brandon Raub. The common statist slave will give the typical coward's response, which would sound a little something like this:

"...When are people going to learn that Facebook isn't private? You would have to be stupid to express such views where everyone can see..."

"They didn't arrest him, they just 'detained' him..."

"He's former military and should be 'ashamed' of his comments against the government., blah blah blah, etc..."

The bottom line is, the 1st Amendment is NOT conditional. ALL speech must be protected, no matter who you are, or where you happen to be speaking. Just because our current criminal government decides 1st Amendment protections do not apply to Facebook does not mean they have the authority to make such distinctions. In fact, the Constitution explicitly outlines how they are restricted from making such distinctions. If a government entity, ANY government entity, attempts to violate Constitutional restrictions, it must be removed by any means necessary.



  1. Yep freedom of speech, that is until your speech crosses the government. Then they can do what ever they want. As per usual our government bullying people to do what they want.

  2. The Obama detentions have started.

    Just like Russia and China.

    Effing Communist.

  3. ANY MEANS NECESSARY... that means with guns pointed to their fucking ehads too america, wake up... we can take back our contry today if you weren't a loser scared POS and would fight for whats right...

    I can promise you this, you to will be affected by this and the next govt so don't think by standing by you won't be affected so there is no need to get involved... you soon will be and I for one will not fight for you, i will use you has my shield when the bullets fly... your good for nothing but fertilizing the ground... you make me sick america... but hey what do you care right, america won't be here soon anyway...

  4. I am all for taking the country back @10:14 but to be honest you sound like a crazy extremist at this point. I understand that what the government is currently doing violates every right we have but a civil war doesn't really sound like a good outcome at this point and time.

  5. 11:27, your comment BEGS an answer to the question --- just WHAT do YOU think "we, the people" SHOULD do when the government has essentially trashed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? In AMERICA (!!) we now have secret trials, secret prisons, warrantless searches, seizure of property without warrant or charges, pervasive surveillance, and now, the governemt "detains" someone for "evaluation" (!?). Understand this- they now can keep him indefinitely (say that to yourself again, for full effect) until a GOVERNMENT doctor says he is "okay" (soon the term will be "rehabilitated"). While in "detainment", they can FORCE him to take drugs "to help him". THIS is the America YOU so complacently accept? A civil war is NEVER a good thing, but that, or outright revolution IS coming. Without question. "Taking the country back" (your words) is NOT going to happen by voting for the next slimeball promising "to change things" or by "voicing your displeasure", or writing a "stern letter" to your (slimeball) "representative", who, long ago, ceased representing you....

  6. I am waiting for you Home-Boy to show up at my house. PS- you better bring all that new ammo you bought...b/c u will need that and more shortyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. This guy gets carried away and Malic Shaboo Shabaz and the Black Panthers advocate murdering white women and skinning of live white babies and they get invited to the White House.

    Hmmmm. Something wrong with that.
    Wake up people.


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