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Friday, August 31, 2012

Firefighter Disagrees With Me And Wants A Paid Only Fire Department, No Volunteers

"I disagree with you Joe on not having an all paid fd. If you can't control them this is what you get. Arguing, bickering, distractions, in-fighting etc. They come and go as they like. They show up or don't show up when it suits them. It's more of a status thing with them than it is of being a professional firefighter/emt. And I'm sure that could be said for some of the paid ones too. But a house divided will not stand. And it sure looks like the SFD is divided."

Publishers Notes: This comment comes from a man who knows absolutely NOTHING about being a Boss, a leader a mentor or someone who leads by example. Honest to goodness, this comments sounds a LOT like Jim Ireton himself.

Nevertheless, what Salisbury is desperately missing is a leader. You must have business experience. You must take risks. Do YOU think it's going to be easy when Joe Albero gets elected as Mayor. Do YOU think every employee that works for the City and is full of crap is NOT going to be recognized by me and more than likely quit before I ever take Office? Of course that's going to happen because I won't take any crap from them and I won't let a single lazy employee stay on board that doesn't carry their own weight.

Life doesn't deal you a perfect hand every time. Set an example. You people are so scared of your own shadow it isn't funny. IF a volunteer is disrespectful, suspend them. The SFD should be the greatest Fire Department on the Eastern Shore. There should be a WAITING LIST to get into that department. This is EXACTLY why I am looking VERY hard at the current leadership there because quite frankly, it sucks.

I know of several Fire Chiefs' that are excellent leaders. They also have a Volunteer Crew. Look at my friend Chris Laramore in Ocean City. One of the greatest Fire Chiefs' Ocean City has ever known. This man blends the paid staff with the volunteers without any problems whatsoever and they respect each other.

The ONLY difference most of you don't know is this. I have run businesses. I have employed and managed thousands of people over the years. When you retain a large staff, there's going to be bickering and arguing, period. Your current Mayor and former Mayor have/had NO EXPERIENCE. So what did they do, they pounded their chest screaming, I'M THE MAYOR AND YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY, OR ELSE! Why, because they don't know any better. They became BULLIES because they have no clue, no experience and no training on how to MANAGE a large number of people.

Nevertheless, as many of you know from life experiences, just because someone is given the position as manager/mayor, most of them are not very good at it. It's a special gift to do it well. A good manager is no different from having that ONE Teacher you'll remember for the rest of your life. They're out there but they are very rare and very gifted.

So, in my honest opinion, there's a problem with the Salisbury Fire Department between the paid Firefighters and the Volunteers, I will fix that. And I might suggest they start working VERY hard on that problem right now BEFORE I get elected. I'm keeping a VERY close eye on what's going on in that Department, trust me.

In closing, I can't stand when someone uses catch phrases like the one used above, "a house divided will not stand". I also said "I Do" twice. Just because you say til death do you part doesn't mean the other person can fulfill such a promise or commitment. We can only control our own lives and destiny. IF you try to control other lives you will fail. If you can manage BOTH lives with respect, guess what, chances are you'll be together for a very long time. Some people just don't belong in management, even though they've put in the time.


  1. Joe, I think the world of you but I know a few firefighters who actually do feel this way. I do not care for Ireton as a person, but I do not envy his position as mayor either. A little humility can go a long way.

  2. I have managed many people over the past 30 years.
    Most arguing and bickering come from being idle too long.
    These people need to be supervised and they need someting to do productive the entire time they work. Shooting pool , sleeping and watching tv is not productive.

  3. You have my vote.

  4. So now all firefighters must be paid....I live in another town and our town has a fire company. This fire company is always FULL OF VOLUNTEERS WHO WOULD LIKE NOTHING MORE BUT TO HELP FIGHT FIRES. Of course you will had some bad apples along the way but I just do not understand why Salisbury would be any different. Kids line up here to get in the fire depratment so they can be a part of it.

  5. Salisbury does need new leadership. I look back at when you started this blog and then see where it is today. Against all those odds you've created an outlet bigger then the local media staffed with hundreds of people. I believe you can deliver a better environment and leadership and I will cast my vote for you. Thanks for sticking you neck out Joe.

  6. If there wasn't so much bitching and complaining back and forth then maybe there would be more good volunteers. Putting up with this crap is bad enough if you are being paid to be there, but to have to put up with it and NOT get paid?--no brainer. Volunteer firefighters in Parsonsburg, Delmar, Laurel, Blades, Seaford, etc...well they take a lot of pride in what they do, and when the fire whistle goes off and they have to date out of work, their coworkers respect and honor them for putting their lives at risk to help someone else. A true servant of the community. BUT I bet they wouldn't do it in those towns if they had to put up with the politics this place has.

    1. There are many towns that can't respond promptly to calls because there aren't enough volunteers to respond to all the calls. It is a fact. What would you be saying in Salisbury, if you called 911 and it took 1/2 hour for anybody to show up because they couldn't get any volunteers? You have to have paid personnel in a city the size of Salisbury. How are they supposed to work together if there is a different set of rules for the two? Sounds like it would be a cluster.

  7. You must not know too much about OC......did you know they laid off over 20 emplyees prior to summer season and then decided to pay "volunteers" because they needed more help for the summertime chaos!?! I'm not saying it's the chief's fault, but it shows EVERY dept has their issues. Volunteers are great, but because they pick and choose their calls it causes issues. Because of the picking and choosing, you tend to see the volunteers on the "big" calls and then they never come to the other calls (sick subjects) leaving the smaller stations that only have one paid person on struggling to find a driver. When the smaller stations can't get out because of no driver, guess who gets called next if the call is near their territory......you got it, SFD gets called!

  8. Very well said Joe.

  9. "Arguing, bickering, distractions, in-fighting etc. They come and go as they like. They show up or don't show up when it suits them."

    The people i work with are like this and they get paid. So if you can get them for free it's better.

  10. Everyone is replaceable. Show some respect to the volunteers and stop acting like a bunch of girls.

  11. Or, stop acting like a bunch of boys, 11:04 a.m. JUST ONCE, could something be discussed on here without any mindless insults?

  12. Joe, when you get into office please work to remove paid fire fighters. The only staff needed are paid EMS providers. The volunteers will come back if you do that. Why pay for something you can get for free? How many paid guys run calls when they are off? I can tell you ZERO. Not only are the paid guys a waste of time they are double dipping into the pot. They teach MFRI classes at 16 while on duty. If anyone says they don't I can give you dates they did.

  13. Joe can bring people together. He will be a great leader of Salisbury.

  14. If you got rid of all the paid firefighters then I am sure you would see a larger amount of volunteers. My town has a line of volunteers waiting to get in the fire house because they want to be fireman not so they can sit on their butt and collect a check then head to an accident every once in a while.

  15. After you are elected I hope you keep a log of your first days in office. This show everyone what can be done with the right Mayor.

  16. I think we need both paid and unpaid firefighters. I just wish they could get along.

  17. What about all the towns around Salisbury? They don't have paid firefighters. Does that mean if you live in Delmar, Parsonsburg, Fruitland, Hebron you better move into Salisbury or you will lose everything you have if a fire breaks out in your home becasue they are all volunteers?

  18. Better get rid of that lazy Hoppes first thing. He is one poor excuse for a human being.

  19. Keep on eye on the police department also Joe. I hear things are not well over there.

  20. I hope these boys can work together in an emergency or we are in one big mess.

  21. Queensgirl52 said...
    Or, stop acting like a bunch of boys, 11:04 a.m. JUST ONCE, could something be discussed on here without any mindless insults?

    August 31, 2012 11:57 AM

    Sorry, but your comment is just as insulting!

  22. I like the phrase "Until death do you part me". LOL

  23. Does the Mayor have control over the volunteers?

  24. If you cut their funding then they will need more volunteers to work, right?

  25. Joe "Mayor"Albero!

  26. Joe you can't fix stupid!

  27. I hope someone can stop all this crybaby nonsense. From the Mayor on down latter.

  28. The need is for paramedics, not firefighters. The city of Salisbury should do a better job of recruiting and retaining volunteer firefighters and focus on staffing the ambulances with more paramedics. Salisbury only has 3 ambulances staffed around the clock and that is at a bare minimum. Based on the call volume there should be 6 full time staffed ambulances. But then again the decision makers in the fire department don't know the first thing about Emergency Medical Services. Maybe the citizens would be better off separating the fire department into full time volunteer and creating a city EMS department.

  29. Maybe there needs to be meeting between the 2 department and they can work it out.

  30. Anonymous 9:44am


  31. Joe please don't let us down. You have to really run for office, I mean it.

  32. I believe you are the answer we need.

  33. Why can't these two departments just get along.

  34. Sometimes things need to be shaken up a little. It helps people wake up to reality.

  35. You boys cry so much I don't understand why you even need fire hoses. Your tears will put out the fire!

  36. Respect is key to every relationship, working or personal.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I think we need both paid and unpaid firefighters. I just wish they could get along.

    August 31, 2012 12:16 PM

    I respectfully disagree. The city needs paid paramedics and not paid firefighters. Volunteer firefighters and all paid Paramedics is the way to go. You can also supplement the Paramedic program with volunteer EMT's.

  38. You could have one paid EMT and one paid paramedic per ambulance and we would be better off. Unload those paid firefighters. They are a waste of time. Volunteers are used in bigger places than this one horse town.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Better get rid of that lazy Hoppes first thing. He is one poor excuse for a human being.

    August 31, 2012 12:53 PM

    I agree. He is fat and lazy and never does anything productive. He is letting John Tull continue to run the department in the ground. The best thing for the city would be for both of them to leave.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Keep on eye on the police department also Joe. I hear things are not well over there.

    August 31, 2012 12:54 PM

    Yep, I heard from a police officer yesterday that 10 police officers have left the department and it's because of the outsider police chief Ireton hired.

  41. Joe Albero recieves another threat!

    Anonymous said...
    Another idiot. I am not in the fire department, but have known John Tull for years. Don't know Hoppes, but as far as John Tull....he is a great guy...a family guy. You know Joe...it is a shame that you, who are running for mayor, or say you are, will allow this crap to be posted about good honest people, yet you won't allow a simple comment to be posted that differences with your opinion. I have had just about enough of this crap. If you ever thrown your hat in, be prepared for some very pointed public questions about the way that you have allowed this blog to operate. I have been quiet for years and not said anything, and really did not want to use my name, but you WILL know my name when/if you are running for Mayor. THAT is a promise.

    August 30, 2012 9:48 PM

    Ok I will take your word for it. You don't know John Tull and you aren't in the fire department, but you know John Tull is a "great guy." What does being a great guy have to do with running a fire department and stabbing real "great" people in the back. I smell a lie here. Is this you John? Is this You Jeff Simpson? What about Beverly or mommy?

    I think this person is trying to bully and intimidate Joe with threats and bullying. This is what John Tull and his few followers are all about. Guess what my friend Joe and his supporters aren't worried about your threats. Bring it on!!

  42. Funny thing is that everyone on here posting this crap is the reason there are problems with the people if the SFD. It's not as bad as your making it out to be.

  43. It's not as bad as your making it out to be.

    August 31, 2012 8:02 PM

    If not, why are there problems?

    everyone on here posting this crap is the reason there are problems with the people if the SFD.

    Ohhhhh, that's why. Because people post on a blog, after the fact even. lol. Ok. Gotcha. Seems reasonable.

  44. Salisbury needs to dump all paid members and go strictly volunteer.... i was in a volunteer dept in camden county NJ and we never had the problems or the bickering that goes on that is always caused when the paid guys dont get their way.... many including myself did not join the fire service to get paid.... we did it to help and serve the community

  45. Anonymous said...
    Funny thing is that everyone on here posting this crap is the reason there are problems with the people if the SFD. It's not as bad as your making it out to be.

    August 31, 2012 8:02 PM

    You know what? You are right, it's worse!

  46. John Tull = Jeff Simpson
    Rick Hoppes = Bill Gordy

  47. i was in a volunteer dept in camden county NJ

    GO back and take your dumb ideas with you.

  48. John Tull = Jeff Simpson
    Rick Hoppes = Bill Gordy
    Jim Ireton = Barrie Tilghman

  49. When Jeff Simpson was here he fell in love with John Tull illegally putting him second in command and allowed John Tull to run the entire fire department. John Tull through Rick Hoppes under the bus and laughed at him. Now Simpson leaves and Ireton submits Rick Hoppes as the acting fire chief. In turn Acting Fire Chief Rick Hoppes appoints John Tull as his Deputy Fire Chief. This is a sign of weakness on the part of Rick Hoppes and demonstrates his poor leadership skills. The fire department continues it's down hill spiral and everyone is suffering. The citizens, employees and volunteers are the ones suffering the most. This poor leadership needs to discontinue before more people both career and volunteer bail on them. Those 12 new positions can't even touch what has left and what is going to be leaving.

  50. Get rid of Cheef Chubby now. Take Jeff Tull with you.

  51. Why is Rick Hoppes and John Tull allowing 6 take home cars when the charter only allows 3. Who is paying that fuel bill and why do they need any take home vehicles?

  52. Joe in your opinion what is the best thing that needs to happen to the Salisbury Fire Department? The best way to make some changes and it starts at the top. What are your thoughts?

  53. he will show you his thoughts and solutions when he is elected.

    If the 'boys' can't grow up and manage themselves, someone will have to do it for them, until they get the idea.

    Both groups think they are special when in fact they are not.

    The people and property they are HIRED or VOLUNTEER to serve and protect and the special ones.

    The servants want to be the masters.

    Do what you are supposed to do without bragging or complaining, otherwise, hit the road.

    This crap has been going on for years and I'm tired of hearing it.

    We need more maturity in this field.


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