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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FEULNER: Democrats’ Food-Stamp Foolishness

Do you know what Maryland gives its welfare recipients so they can access cash and food benefits? An “Independence Card.”
If that sounds a bit Orwellian, consider the perverse spending increases that the Obama administration has planned for food stamps and an array of other forms of welfare. Why perverse? Because the whole goal of the successful welfare reform of the 1990s was to reduce dependence. The president’s budget would do just the opposite.
Mind you, spending on the food-stamp program (also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) has been growing rapidly for some time now, from $19.8 billion in 2000 to $84.6 billion in 2011. Under the president’s budget, this trend would continue, with nearly $800 billion in food-stamp spending over the next decade.


  1. Independence card! That is so funny. Call it what it really is-The Dependence Card!

  2. The local social services dept. couldn't give enough of them away. The governor based on the democratic president increased the amount each family could be given based on "eligibility". What a laugh, eligibility, they wanted to make sure no one went hungry during an election year....Anybody remember when the president was running? He provided transportation, food, etc. to the polls. O'Malley wants to go to Washington on O'bama tail. A hard working person that has worked all their life, had a major setback (illness, loss of job) can't get help because they don't qualify. People that do nothing but mill around on street corners waiting for social services to open get the flood gates given to them on our tax dollars. Ever stand behing someone at the grocery using their independence card? They get better food than us working, honest people can afford. Sorry, I forgot, I'm paying for them to eat, but I can't afford to. All welfare needs to stop. Make the lazy do nothings work for a change it would kill most of them and have them stop having kids every year for us to support.


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