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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Explosion Aboard OC Transit Park And Ride Bus

Has anyone reported the mechanical failure on the OC Transit Park and Ride bus a few hours ago which resulted in an explosion on the bus? The back end of the bus appeared to have been destroyed with windows blown out of the bus. The fire department, police and ambulances were dispatched to the scene.


  1. The sirens woke me up this morning. I got up and looked out of my second story window and there was billowing black smoke and a large explosion. From my house it looked like it was near the outlets but I couldn't quite tell. (I am about 1/2 mile away)The smoke did not last too long maybe a couple of minutes but it was pretty scary looking. I hope no one was injured because the explosion was pretty intense.

  2. At the time of the incident there was just the driver and one passenger on the bus. Both were uninjured.

  3. I know Montgomery County had a bunch of buses they took out of service for some reason. I wonder if this was the same type bus.


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