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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Desperate Democrats Reek Of Fear

In 2006, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stood before the United Nations and insulted our president: “The devil came here yesterday,” Mr. Chavez said of President George W. Bush, “and it smells of sulfur still today.” Now, in 2012, the Democrats may not smell sulfur exactly, but if you follow their desperate actions, you certainly can smell their fear.
Here’s why: Yet another so-called “Recovery Summer” has come and nearly gone and Americans are still reeling from the failures of Obamanomics. It’s been a full year since Treasury Secretary and admitted tax cheat Timothy F. Geithner announced, “Welcome to the recovery.” Recovery? The gross-domestic-product growth rate slowed to 1.5 percent. The unemployment rate ticked up to 8.3 percent. Twenty-three million Americans are unemployed. A nearly $16 trillion debt looms large. A record 45 million Americans are on food stamps. More than 100 million are on some form of welfare. America’s credit rating has been downgraded.
The president’s response? “We tried our plan — and it worked.” This was his plan? Now his only plan is to attack Mitt Romney.


  1. President Obama's behavior and lack of character have completly eroded the prestige and honor of the Office of the Presidency, not only in the eyes of his fellow citizens, but also the citizens of the world. He has disgraced this great office, and continues to do so even as these comments are being written.

  2. Obama has entered the white house and brought with him the petty chicago gangster politics.
    What else would you expect?

  3. Obama has no class and he is a corrupt Chicago Gangster at least Al Capone would admit he was a Chicago Gangster and by the way Al had more class than our lying President who also has disgraced the Whitehouse.

  4. This is what the Democrats have stooped to. They cannot run on their policies anymore - only attack others who think differently from them. This country will only change by voters going to the polls and electing republicans to both houses of congress and the presidency. The dems need to clean up their act and start looking at what's going on in the world that affects the American way of life whether they realize and accept it or not.


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