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Tuesday, August 14, 2012



-- “The House Judiciary has produced a bill which will address problem dog owners who allow their pets to run at large, while offering significant legal protections to responsible dog owners”, stated Delegate Michael McDermott (R-Wicomico & Worcester Counties)

Today, the Judiciary Committee made major amendments to SB-2 titled “Civil Actions – Liability for Personal Injury or Death Caused by Dog”. It has been the subject of intense debate in the wake of the recent court ruling from Tracey v. Solesky. In that case, Pit Bulls were declared an “inherently dangerous” breed and their owners liable for any bites, even if the dog had never shown a propensity for being aggressive. Under the amended bill, only owners of dogs who are running at large and injure someone will be held to the strict liability standard irregardless of breed. Common Law liability limits will still apply in all other cases.

“This bill will put the liability and responsibility where it lies--on irresponsible dog owners. The amendment I offered ensured that police and military K-9 units will be protected, while the sunset provision insures the bill will be reworked during the 2013 Regular Session.” said Delegate Michael McDermott.


  1. This sounds like a good plan. Weed out the bad owners and the rest will straighten itself out. If a dog running at large hurts someone then owners should be held totally accountable. If someone comes in your yard and your dog injures them this is a little different. Also this is not breed specific it's all dogs. Many of the dog attacks that the media blows up about pit bulls happen because they are chained out (which they should not be) and someones child ventures into the yard. I'm not saying children should be injured by dogs but people need to teach their kids to respect other peoples property. Many parents don't know what their kids do outside. 17 years ago I had a very child friendly pit bull. A child where I lived decided his job everyday was to tease this dog through the fence everytime he was outside. We talked to the boys parents we talked to the office of the mobile home community to no avail. We called the police and still it persisted. One day this boy came by and teased the dog opened the gate and ran. He ended up with 18 stitches from being bitten. Now tell me who was at fault the dog or the child. Not all of the dog attacks you hear about are unprovoked.

  2. Well spoken 8-14-12 3:33. I agree. Parents need to teach their children proper respect around all animals. How would you like being pinched, kicked, and your eyes poked on? Our precious pets can't speak so they react the only way they know. Protect the breed, punish those individuals who allow their dogs to run wild. Pit bulls are the most loving, intelligent breed. Some of the owners keep them on heavy chains, tied in the bitter cold or heat, no food or water or shelter and beat or hurt them trying to make them mean inorder to fight them. It is this scum that should be punished not the poor suffering dog.


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