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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

‘Criminals’: Former Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Says America Will Be ‘Brought To Its Knees’

The Muslim Brotherhood has been the focus of significant media and administration attention in recent months, as the United States tries to conclude where the organization truly stands.

Is it a “largely secular,” reformed organization as James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence believes?  Or is it simply biding its time until it has amassed enough influence to be a credible threat?

Today, Leon Panetta met with Egypt’s new Islamist President Muhammad Morsi, who is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and said he is “convinced“ that Morsi ”is truly committed to implementing democratic reforms here in Egypt.”



  1. muslim brotherhood has infiltrated all segments of our government at the highest levels. this will be no surprise for many. those who are asleep (majority) will finally wake up...

  2. I want to hear patriots scream that for the muslin brotherhood

  3. We don't need the muslim brotherhood to do that. Our own greed and ignorance will accomplish the job.

  4. What the hell did Panetta THINK he was going to say? "We intend to kill every Christian in the region, export terrorism every chance we get (and thanks for your continued foreign aid -- it really helps!), implement sharia law (we sort like the idea of burning women alive and chopping limbs off --- women think they have RIGHTS!?), and of course, planning your destruction. Panetta comes back to us and feeds us this "they want democracy" BS (they told me so!). Our "leaders" USED to be able to recognize when smoke was being blown up their dress.....now they specialize in blowing it up OURS....


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