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Friday, August 10, 2012

Could George Zimmerman Get the Case Against Him Thrown Out?

George Zimmerman will seek to have second-degree murder charges dismissed under Florida’s “stand your ground” law in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, his attorney said Thursday.

The hearing, which likely won’t take place for several months, will amount to a mini-trial involving much of the evidence collected by prosecutors as well as expert testimony from both sides.

“Most of the arguments, witnesses, experts and evidence that the defense would muster in a criminal trial will be presented in the ‘stand your ground’ hearing,” said the statement posted by Zimmerman attorney Mark O‘Mara on Zimmerman’s official defense website.



  1. The only reason why it won't be thrown out, is the pressure coming down from the DOJ and Administration.

  2. The man should receive medal of honor at least some award for his accomplishment.

  3. You are so right. If it is thrown out, you better stock up on ammo

  4. Throw it out. I'll defend myself if I have to.

  5. 7:39-I agree with you,but I would'nt want to be the judge who decided to throw it out.

  6. The guy did what he had to do.

  7. He should have never been charged to start with. He was simply defending himself from a thug. He is a hero and will save the taxpayers a boatload of money that would have been spent keeping the criminal in prison.

  8. should never have been any charges to begin with. it's all political. with a little racism thrown in for good measure.

  9. That was someone child you bunch of racist jerks...unreal

  10. That was someone child you bunch of racist jerks...unreal

    August 11, 2012 1:03 AM

    Someone's child should have acted a little better and he would be alive. He thought he was a man and tried acting like one and got treated like one.

    There is no reset button in real life kids.

  11. trayvon was a thug gangbanger and zimmerman was just defending himself. hes should get a medal not jail time. it only gets publicized when it is white on black,hispanic on black or white on hispanic. whether it be self defense or not.obama and his thugs just make it more racial it has been that way sisce he stole office. if zimmerman gets off there will be riots and lots more of black mob and black on white crime.

  12. Well, I certainly hope so. Clearly, he's been falsely accused.

  13. It's all about racism.

  14. I wouldn't want to be on any jury who found him not guilty. It's too bad, too. Because he's not guilty, imo.

  15. 7:49-And that's a real shame that jury members have to live in fear just because they do what they think is right based on the evidence.For instance,I did not agree with the Casey Anthony verdict,but that was the verdict and we'll have to live with it.Hardly any time after the verdict was decided and read the jury's personal identities and information was released.That put them in harms way.

  16. Naturally everyone has an opinion but who to say who is right.

    I only know that there were only two witnesses and one of them is dead. Oh course he's being called a thug and worse all to justify his death. But no one really knows what happened.

    my opinion is that Zimmerman bit off a little more than he could chew and started a fight he couldn't win. But really, no one knows.

  17. You can thank the News media for all the "hype" they produced with this story. "They" created a problem this guy will carry with him the rest of his life by having to "look over his shoulder."
    He was defending himself & the news made it look like the other guy was some sweet 12 yr old kid when in fact-----He was totally something else!

  18. How is self defense racism?


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