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Friday, August 17, 2012

Congress Can't Pass A Bill? No Problem! Obama Can Just Sign An Executive Order

Our favorite Senator, Jay Rockefeller, the man who lamented the creation of the internet, is actively urging President Obama to sign an Executive Order to achieve the same results as the Cybersecurity Act that Congress failed to pass. It is beyond disgusting that a sitting Senator would encourage The President to bypass the legislative branch (of which he is a member) and evade the checks and balances that exist between the three branches of government that was such a key provision of The Constitution. The founding fathers intimately understood the dangers of a King and they wanted to make sure The President couldn’t act like one. For a sitting member of Congress to encourage this is nothing short of despicable. He is an embarrassment to the institution itself.

This is just further evidence of our political decay into a nation of men, rather than a nation of laws.

From The Hill:
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) urged President Obama on Monday to issue an executive order that would establish a program in which companies operating critical infrastructure would take steps to bolster the security of their computer systems from a cyberattack.

John Brennan, the White House’s chief counterterrorism adviser, said last week that the Obama administration is considering imposing cybersecurity rules via executive order after the Cybersecurity Act failed to gain enough Republican support to move forward.

Just another day in the United States of Banana Republic.

Full article here.

1 comment:

  1. People, people, we are losing everyone of our rights.....vote him out while you still have a voice.


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