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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Children Charged in Attack on Lesbian in Missouri

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. (AP) - Three children from the same family are in juvenile custody after allegedly attacking a Missouri woman, and the victim believes she was targeted because she is gay.

The Southeast Missourian ( http://bit.ly/QoSkT6) reports that Jeana Terry, 41, and her partner Lisa Lange were inside their home July 24 when a 16-year-old girl who lives nearby allegedly began shouting anti-gay slurs. The girl then allegedly gathered her 13-year-old sister and 11-year-old brother, went to Terry's porch and pulled her outside when she came to the door, according to authorities.

"Once I was down, it was pure chaos," Terry said, describing being repeatedly kicked and hit.



  1. the kids must have gone to Chik-fil-A

  2. kids need to be taught tolerance for people who are different than them. intolerance breeds hate.

  3. Just another example of Obama's tactics of turning group against group and class against class. It's the old magician's trick of creating a diversion with the right hand so no one relizes what the left hand is doing...

  4. This sounds like a crock of baloney. I'm sure those kids "pulled" this woman "outside" of her house. Any reasonable person can see Terry is a bold faced liar and the story from the kids mother is much more closer to the truth.

  5. I read more about this on another news site. Clearly all involved could use some anger management. This feuding has been going on for some time. The kids should not have become violent like they did nor should the lesbians continued on engaging the kids in this feud. They are the adults and should have ignored the kids not continued on confronting them.

  6. They shouldn't be gay, they should try to be normal. Being a homosexual is a something in a person with psychological issues.

  7. i remember once when i was about 4 (i'm only 20 now) i was on a playground at winterplace park and there was a little while girl who looked at a black girl and said "My mommy says I can't play with people like you."

    on a different level but people are ridiculously biased its sickening. why does it matter what they like or what they look like?
    its a personality that matters!

  8. "My mommy says I can't play with people like you."

    That's just sad. I know it happens because something similar happened to me. I was in first or second grade. I'm 51 now.

  9. 4:49, you're a person with psychological issues.

  10. No Alex, anyone that condones one man putting his reproductive organ in another man's poop shoot has the mental issues.


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