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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Continues To Pack Them In After 9:30 Last Night

I don't know what they had left to feed people but from all the images we've published there's no question they were packed the entire day and night. I got this image at 10:03 last night. The funny thing is, not one person came on here saying they didn't or don't like Chick-Fil-A food. They truly have a good thing going.


  1. Sooo glad for the outpouring of people to support them. Makes me have faith in the human race again!

  2. Can someone tell me if the food handlers at the counter can receive tips? As hard as they have had to work they deserve it.

  3. The morning network news grudingly admitted the Chick-fil-a support was a national phenomenon. Of course they had to end the story with a gay activist saying this is going to hurt Chick-fil-a in the long run. I don't know about that, I for one will get my lunch there at least once a week if possible from now on!

  4. i think it is safe to say that God is pouring out blessings on the Cathey family business for their obedience to scripture.

  5. Joe, this is the true way to show support... Also, this is a way to help businesses out, imagine if this were a company going under, this could have helped them stay above the line....

    Not that chick fil a needed money...

    this could be an idea... If you become mayor... make a day where you eat at a certain restaurant to help them out and each day is different or something.... I mean its a thought and its a start...

  6. I came on here and said I didn't like Chick-Fil-A food. And you posted it. Teh food is better than say McDonalds or Taco Bell, but it is still below average fast food.

  7. That's a great idea 10:33.

  8. 10:36, what is average fast food? I would bet at some point the "average" place to go was McDonalds. How did you come up with "below average fast food." Brilliant.

    You don't have to like the chicken at Chic-Fil-A. Wonder how many people yesterday just went to show support and ended up getting salads or milkshakes? Regardless, we were there. The pictures don't lie -- it was as packed as everyone is saying.

  9. 11:17, all fast food is below average. Get yourself to a nice place to eat and stop wasting your money!

  10. I should have drove my GM vehicle and ordered a Coke and paid for it with a Visa and taken a picture with my iPhone, transmitted over Verizon to Facebook since each of those companies are pro-Gay. Many people did exactly that and the net result was more support for pro-gay companies than this single anti-gay company. Great idea Huckabee, the LGBT community appreciates your dimwitted, unknowing support

  11. 3:09 - You could do ALL those things, you are free to do so.

    What I really like is how everyone was courteous even though the lines were running 40 to 50 minutes. Certainly didn't see this kind of community with the Occupy thugs, or any other group for that matter. Adults acting like adults. Interesting concept. Take notes, this is how grown-ups behave.

  12. Take notes, this is how grown-ups behave.

    August 2, 2012 5:55 PM


  13. 3:09 - that's some pretty pathetic spin there, buddy. you guys got your collective heads handed to you and that's the best you can come up with?


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