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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Chick-fil-A Confirms 'Record-Setting Day' on 'Appreciation Day'

Chick-fil-A announced Thursday morning that supporters who flocked to the restaurant for "Appreciation Day" propelled the company to a "record-setting day." 
The statement confirmed anecdotal claims that the long lines seen at Chick-fil-A's across the country Wednesday fueled unprecedented sales. The turnout came after CEO Dan Cathy came under fire in some circles for his opposition to same-sex marriage. 
"We are very grateful and humbled by the incredible turnout of loyal Chick-fil-A customers on August 1 at Chick-fil-A restaurants around the country. We congratulate local Chick-fil-A Owner/Operators and their team members for striving to serve each and every customer with genuine hospitality," the company said in a statement. "While we don't release exact sales numbers, we can confirm reports that it was a record-setting day." 


  1. Mike Huckabee was the first one to say we should make Aug 1st Chick-fil-a appreciation day. He had no idea it would become just a huge hit.

  2. Please, please, please continue to support Chik-fil-A!! What you are incapable of understanding is that you support MORE pro-gay companies by trying to show your support for a single anti-gay company

    Google, Apple, and Microsoft likely designed the OS on the smartphone used to take pictures at Chick-fil-A.

    These pictures were likely uploaded (using and Apple, Google, or Microsoft product) to the major social networks, Facebook and Twitter, over one of the major cellular networks, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, or AT&T.

    The customers probably purchased a beverage with their meal, which was provided by Coca-Cola, the only beverage products available at Chick-fil-A.

    If they used a credit/debit card to purchase their meal, they more than likely used a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express card.

    If they drove there, there is a high probability they used a car produced by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, or Toyota.

    What do all of these companies besides Chick-fil-A have in common? They are all PRO-GAY. So if you want to support the anti-gay bigots, you're better off staying at home doing absolutely nothing. But make sure you aren't using a computer to share your opinions, as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, Alan Turing, was a homosexual.

  3. Anonymous 2:47 Love that! Nicely done.

  4. This is all just a liberal plot to make sure conservatives die of heart attacks by their mid-50's from eating too much fast food. And I hope it works.

  5. 3:19 Do you see the hypocrisy in your own statement? You are against someone voicing an opinion, then you wish death on that person? You liberals really throw a temper tantrum when you don't get your way. It's ok for you to spout off your views but let someone else do it and you all throw a fit. Grow up and act like an adult instead of a spoiled rotten 3 year old.

  6. Why are these same liberals that are spouting their hate about this event when it comes to the muslims? Why are they not throwing a fit when streets in NYC are closed down each and every Friday so they can attend their Mosque. Yes streets are closed down so they can use the street to pray in. Where are all the liberal whack jobs when the muslims get hired at Target as cashiers then decide they don't want to touch any pork product? How about Tyson foods doing away with the Labor Day holiday so they can instead get their muslim holiday off?

  7. @ 3:25 Lighten up and take a joke. Its people like you that make this world a miserable place to live.

  8. A joke? Really? You think it is funny to wish death on someone? It's people like you that make this world a miserable place. Karma will bite you in the butt one day. What you wish on others will surely come back to you.

  9. @ 3:38 Sounds like the obesity part hit a little close to home for you.

  10. oh yes 3:43 that it. I would guess I'm at about 700lbs right now. So fat that the scooters whine when I get in them. Give me a break. You really sound like a 3rd grader with your logic or lack of.

  11. @ 3:43 Despite what were clearly your best effort at insulting me all I could do was laugh at the image of a poor scooter struggling under the girth of a 700 pound beast.

    Rest in pieces, Walmart shopping scooter.

  12. 3:19's just ticked off because conservatives and constitutionalists have won the battle and will win many more.
    Their typical response is always somewhere along the lines of
    3:19's-quite intelligent wouldn't you say-LOL. But we can not expect more coming from a group that idolizes We Have To Pass The Bill So You Can Find Out What's In It-perlosi.

  13. @ 4:51

    My lab smashing his head on the keyboard could have made a more coherent response than you.

  14. 4:01
    I don't need to insult you. You do that all own your own. You are no better at telling a joke than you are at recognizing sarcasm. Im off to jog 3 miles care to join me?

  15. To 2:47,
    What you say may be true, and we were all there Wednesday to celebrate the fact that everyone has a right to their beliefs and the freedom to express them! I'd say it was a COMPLETE SUCCESS! Thanks to All who participated including Coke and the others! Everyone pulled together and made it happen without a hitch! You should have been there to join in the celebration.

    Come on out today. We'll all be back to support them again!

  16. 5:11 proved the point that the only people more clueless than the liberal politicians are the liberal voters.
    4:51's comment made perfect sense and was very coherent. I can spell it out more clearly for you and then just maybe you will understand. 4:51's point was when the liberal agenda doesn't reasonate with the majority of Americans, "you people" react with assinine statements like hoping people die of heart attacks. Comments such as those lend credence to the statement that the liberal voters must be suffering from a lack of intelligence.

  17. Anyone who jogs in this heat is the real whack job.


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